Can someone please explain

by blacksheep 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    It is a "worldly" holiday and we should be giving thanks to God everyday of the year not just one.


  • waiting

    Thanks Blondie, for the quotes - that's what we were taught by the WTBTS.

    Some jw families DO have family get togethers on Thanksgiving.

    Their rational is:

    1. turkeys are cheap then -"It's not our fault that the world turns them into something pagan" (kinda quoting Paul eating food worshipped to idols).
    2. family is off work (as if they're not off on Sat & Sun)
    3. pumpkin pie & sweet potatos are natural foods, & plentiful this time of year - same rational #1.
    4. "We pray to Jehovah everyday with thanks - this day's nothing special to us."

    We have jw families in our area who are doing exactly what other worldy families are doing on Thanksgiving.....but they're not *celebrating* Thanksgiving.

    So I invited our jw mil to our house - using the above rationals & adding "The Smiths have been having a family get together on Thanksgiving for decades - turkey & all the rest." She said she'd "think about it." the old woman was doing me a big favor.

    If my mil doesn't come to our house (next door) - then she'll sit home all day by herself. Yes, it's just one of the plethora of ways the WTBTS keeps their cult members from freedom.


  • DFWnonJW

    Hmmm, I wonder if I should show this thread to my mom. Hardly a thanksgiving has gone by in some 25 years that she has not done the whole meal deal. It is all my fault though. I requested a turkey dinner because it was a special day for me - Cowboys v. Redskins This is circa 1978ish. I've heard all the excuses too - cheapest meat - only time family is together etc... Truth is that she enjoys doing it or else she simply would use a WT excuse not to. Anyways, she is shopping today for the Thanksgiving cheap meal and I'm just hoping to be over this blasted head cold by then so I can enjoy it!

  • drwtsn32

    Good post, Euph! I think I'll show it to my dub parents... LOL

  • gumby

    The witnesses do not approve of it because it's a normal activity, it brings families together, and it can be fun. They don't like it when you have fun......especially with worldly family. It's OK however to cook the biggest ass dinner you can on that day and have fellow dubs over and enjoy it.........just don't go to worldly peoples home or have them over to your home on that day. Hypocritical bastards!

    My mom has the nerve to have a big dinner on that day and have fellow dubs over.......but would not consider having her own flesh and blood disfellowshipped children over. I don't blame my mom......I blame the sick old baldheaded bastards who promote this, and can't wait until they are all worm food.


  • Joker10

    Will the person be celebrating the holiday? Or will the person take advantage of it to spend time together because of being a long weekend?

    Eating a meal on this day is not wrong. But a JW should always pray afterwards

  • blacksheep

    Thank you all for your responses. Ah, the memories come fading back. Now I realize why a sane person cannot remember the reason Thanksgiving should be prohibited...

  • blacksheep

    Just to clarify, you all just confirmed the bizarre rational of the WTS. Glad I'm not the only one who sees it!!!

  • SixofNine

    My best pal Frank N. Stein is still an active witness, and he asked me to relay this to you: Thanksgiving BAD, gggrrrrr*


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I remember as a kid holidays were the worst!

    No school, fathers off from work, special field service arrangments, ughhhhhh.

    I remember a person opening their door and the turkey was out on the table with all the trimmings! Boy I wish I could've sat with the mans family and eat.

    What a wasted childhood I had.........

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