Mo Money ... $$$

by loneranger 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    The upside to this OP is that it may wake more people up to the fact that the JW religion is a cash cow for those in charge of it .

    Jehovah owns all of the Gold ,Silver, Diamonds and gem stones in all of the Earth ,its about time he started paying his own way.

  • Phizzy

    A far cry from the days of Russell, who said when the funds stopped coming in it was time to wind up " The Society".

  • zeb
  • nowwhat?

    Keep in mind that was just for 1 day! So they charged over 60k for the weekend! For the 2 assemblies

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I was at an assembly this month and they did mention the branch charge. But the overall number that I heard was the $10 per head with the majority of the money going to the branch. But, I was really zoned out at that point, the branch statement caught my attention. Honestly, I thought they were being a little more transparent than they usually are. I, of course, gave $0

  • DesirousOfChange

    I, of course, gave $0

    Hey, Bro -- Zero.....unless you count your time as worth something!

    We were so late in life to awaken to TTATT that I have NO TIME for WT!

    The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!

  • WTWizard

    I do not spend money, on my free will, on things that give me negative value. And donating to this "cause" is a negative value, perhaps one of the few that is worse than cancer sticks or drugs (which I also do not buy). I refuse to spend money on donations for religions that help joke-hova and its filthy reptilian angels to enslave the whole world. Along with which I will not get any of those filthy bibles or qurans.

    You want me donating money? You better first show me why you legitimately deserve it. I have better things to do with my money. Such as real music (including Led Zeppelin), sun-worship items, books and big dictionaries to help me learn German (or maybe Sanskrit, just to slap joke-hova and its filthy hebrew in the face), and of course silver. Or, if I really want to "blow" money, at least let it be on things that give me fun now without causing suffering later on.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    DOC - I hear what you are saying but the consequences of leaving right now outweigh the consequences of being PIMO. So, until that changes, I see the few hours a month at various meetings for appearance sake as the price for peace. Once that is more trouble than it's worth, then I'll make a change.

  • pale.emperor

    This must be the equivalent of inviting someone to your home for dinner, then presenting them with a bill at the end for the food they've eaten AND the food YOU eaten plus the cost of heating and electricity.

  • DesirousOfChange

    DOC - I hear what you are saying but the consequences of leaving right now outweigh the consequences of being PIMO. So, until that changes, I see the few hours a month at various meetings for appearance sake as the price for peace. Once that is more trouble than it's worth, then I'll make a change. ~ Doubting Bro

    Bro -- I totally understand. We went through that phase as well. Didn't mean for it to sound so critical of you personally (if that's how you felt). Ya do what ya gotta do for your own circumstances. I can still walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk when it benefits me to do so. (Although that is getting more difficult with all the changes -- not to mention the beard and tattoo.) I always say DO NOT play by their rules!

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