SARS is actually SARS-CoV, MERS is actually MERS-CoV, this virus is CoVID-19, and all three are different strains of the coronavirus.
Not quite. They are all of the corona family of viruses and this one is SARS-Cov2, which causes Covid-19 disease / symptoms.
The fact that SARS and MERS and COVID-19 all came from Asia makes sense because they are the same disease originating from the same place. it isn't a conspiracy and it isn't about the goodness or badness of any country. It is just the reality of viral organisms, how they live, how they operate, and how they grow, evolve, mutate, and spread.
They all originate from the same place because the people there are filthy animals who treat living creatures abominably.
They spread so far and so fast because their government are filthy animals who treat other humans abominably.