Two new Governing Body members. What a complete crock of bullshit. Here we are nearly 50 YEARS past the invisible Armageddon of 1975 and the clown show continues unabated. In my day there was gossip that Ray Franz was soooo young at 49 to be on the Governing Body that it was PROOF conclusive that the new system was near since the anointed were dwindling fast. Nathan Knorr was pontificating over and over that "There are no new remnant!" Interestingly enough, much of the current Governing Body is now made up of those 'new remnant'. Heck, I was in Bethel when these guys were in diapers!
Two new Governing Body members
by slimboyfat 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
This new dude Rumph,, or whoever cant be much over 50 .
The Awake magazine in 1968 saying you'll never "grow old" in this " system" so much for that.🙄
Brother Jedele began his full-time service in 1989 and Bethel service in 1990. Brother Rumph began his full-time service in 1995 and Bethel service in 2020. Both brothers served as helpers to the Service Committee of the Governing Body, Jody Jedele since March 8, 2023.- Breaking News.
Only joined Bethel in 2020? I wonder what he was he doing before that.
I wonder if it grates on all the helpers who’ve been there for decades. And what about poor old thingamy from Edinburgh – overlooked again. (I forget his name)
slimboyfat : Only joined Bethel in 2020? I wonder what he was he doing before that.
He (Rumph) and his wife graduated from the 132nd class of Gilead in 2012.
Paul Bonanno
5 hours agoJody Jedele is around 53 years and seems he was in real estate when he was young.
Are these two also supposed to be anointed? Or are they just promoted rnf Bethelites?
Right now, somewhere in the world, a future member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is developing in his mother's womb.
St George of England
And what about poor old thingamy from Edinburgh – overlooked again. (I forget his name)
Paul Gillies.
M.M writes
Jody Jedele, one of the two new god fractions jehovah witnesses worship. There, for now, is no picture of the other new god fraction, Jacob Rumph. Rumph did, however, give the concluding prayer of this years annual meeting, though.