Did he ever get married? He was every single sisters heart throb in the 1970's
Chapter 21 New Boy 50 years a Watchtower slave
by new boy 20 Replies latest jw friends
Knorr and Larson were related by marriage. Brotherinlaw's. Fred Barnes..... that name brings back memories. He was on the plumbing crew at the factory when I knew him. I ran around town with him and his wife when dating a Bethel sister. Knorr had another brotherinlaw at the farm. He was appointed to the farm committee around '75.
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I believe Man377 is referring to Russell Mock. After over 43 years away from the 'hub' of the Watchtower organization my memory is not what it used to be. Russell had a son named Joel who was also at Watchtower Farms the same time that Mann and I were there. I have heard it 2 different ways about Russell Mock's wife. I have heard that she was Knorr's wife's sister and I have heard that she was Max Larsen's sister. I believe that Mann is correct. Either way, there was lot's of nepotism in 'God's House'. Also, Joel Mock and I shared a 'few' drinks together a time or two.
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compound complex
Enjoying your story, new boy.
Dean Songer was my overseer in proofreading. A kind and understanding man. I wish I had talked with him before feeling forced to leave Bethel. He told me Bethel was first, the congregation second. My foreign language congregation took all the starch out of my sails. I really loved my work at Bethel, which prepared me to be a writer and editor. Something good there, perhaps.
Fred Hilmo, who was a relative's overseer, seemed a good man, too.
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Sis AK story is in the awake. But she was small in stature and thin and not a beauty of a female -typical jw female in personality. She remarried (Even at her age!) after NHK died. I think she went upstate - WT farms or something. I don't remember anything remarkable about her except that she always was at NHK side (nice person though.) When he passed, I don't remember seeing her again. There was another dude dressed in green called "the frog" who stood in front of 124 apostizising and he had it in for bro NHK. He also disappeared when NHK died. My heart went out to those that worked in the laundry, especially the sisters. It was an oven down there. Those fans didn't help.
Also, not disrespect to ML's abilities and leadership.
He told me Bethel was first, the congregation second.
Not that only he thought that was the case. Those were the instructions everyone received.
I wish I had talked with him before feeling forced....
CoCo, my heart goes out to you. I agree with you, and if you were having issues with some people there -or the system, he had the power to help you. -People up there listened to him and did what he said, even unwillingly ( without going into details.)
He was a meat eater and one of his personal views about the lamb and wolf eating together in the Isaiah prophecy was that it referred to personalities and not literal animals. I thought it was funny.
Fisherman, I knew 'the frog's' ex-wife and children. The story goes that he was mad at Knorr for breaking up his engagement to the first 'love of his life'. The 'frogs' name was Bill Norris and he was an ex-Gilead student. He didn't pass Gilead for graduation but his girlfriend did. So Knorr assigned her to a foreign country and failed Bill, essentially splitting them up and destroying their plans for marriage. I realize of course, that Bill's girlfriend could have refused to go to her assignment, but the 'cult' being what it is, there was probably tremendous pressure on her to be a 'good witness' and put Jehovah first. Now you know why Bill sometimes called out, "Nathan Knorr, why are you persecuting me?!!!" He just never got over the disappointment. At any rate, there is an interesting end to the story. Bill decided to marry someone else, have a family and make a go of it as a witness. That didn't last long. He left his wife and children, got disfellowshipped and headed to Brooklyn to torment Knorr. The funny thing is that his ex-wife became apostate later in life. She, her second husband and her son all left the 'truth' after a lifetime of slavery to the religion. The daughter is married to an Elder , they pioneer and he 'serves' as a 'fill in' Circuit Overseer. True story and the names have not been changed to protect the innocent.
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