I'm back...restored...renewed...reloaded

by Yerusalyim 35 Replies latest social current

  • patio34

    Well Yeru, congrats on your restoration, but you sure got back on the soap box in a big hurry. No comment on the rest of your post.


  • shera

    Glad your back,I have always liked you.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I've always enjoyed reading yours posts, you seem to speak from a platform of steadfastness, integrity, and honor. I'm glad you're back!


  • Yerusalyim

    Smooches to everyone....WEEEEEEEEEEE

    back on my soapbox? You expected different. This just proofs that Simon is a good guy who can be reasoned with...no one won or lost the arguement I had with Simon...we just understand one another better now.

  • DakotaRed

    Yeru, just know Simon wasn't singling you out. Seems many of us who are on the right had our privileges limited in the same manner, insults or not.

  • SixofNine

    Glad you got it sorted out, I hate to see anyone deleted or restricted over political differences.

    As to this:

    As to the Bush lie Issue...There's no evidence whatsoever that Bush lied...there are allegations...but no proof...the Intelligence used for this war was faulty at least from outward appearances...but that doesn't mean a lie was told. Had Bush lied to the American people and it was proven I would immediately call for his resignation as INTEGRITY is the measuring stick by which I measure all people.

    I don't know that I can ever recall a Jehovah's Witness "lying" to me about doctrinal things. But they sure make the bible fit their own notions, and people die as a result. Do Jehovah's Witnesses have integrity? Alot of people would look at them and say so (they will after all, die for their beliefs), but I know that it is only after a fashion, and that "integrity" "after a fashion" doesn't count for much.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    Yeru, just know Simon wasn't singling you out. Seems many of us who are on the right had our privileges limited in the same manner, insults or not.

    So you got yours reduced too Lew? Hmm ya have to wonder how many on the left got restricted? None as usual? Well they always behave the those darn conservatives never do.

    Stacy of the bad right class

  • JH

    Yeru, your one of my favourite posters here. Glad to see you back to full strength.

  • blondie

    Yeru, it is nice to see you back. It is good to get the viewpoint of someone who wasn't ever a JW. It makes for a well-rounded discussion.


  • bebu

    ("Reloaded"....? rofl)

    So glad you are back!!


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