We need a more tolerant community to conform in.

by The Rebel 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    I have a phrase I started using several years ago (and I do not know where I adapted the phrase from):

    "Some ex-JWs never quite leave JW organization's orbit of thinking."

    In other words, despite being out, they retain much of the "concrete" and "definite" framework of thinking of the JWs and seek to apply it in their "new" life.

    My guess would be this is not unique to ex-JWs and JW organization but would apply to anyone who has been raised and/or influenced by an authoritarian, "exclusivist" organization or community that tells members in no uncertain terms what is "good" and what is "bad" and what the consequences of "disobedience" will be.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I believe as individuals we can contribute to our community, but as members in the Jehovers Witness organization we contributed nothing to our community. If only when we were witnesses we realized as individuals our secular jobs are what really contributed to our community not door knocking.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    I believe as individuals we can contribute to our community, but as members in the Jehovers Witness organization we contributed nothing to our community.

    They actually withdraw assets from the community. Because they tend to have low incomes, they are more likely to get all kinds of government subsidies, while withholding the talents and man power needed for defense (soldiers), science, security (police), professional work. The rest of us work extra hours that turn into more taxes for the public welfare, while JW's spend countless hours preaching, attending meetings and indoctrinating others... and when they realized they are short of money, then they go to the community's coffers to claim what they didn't earn.

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