The New JWdom - Vew of Older Publications? (and other related questions)

by Magnum 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    What’s going on with JWs who are the studious/scholarly/research-inclined type? I feel that there aren’t many of that type anymore, but there have to be some – mostly old-timers. So, what do they think? How do they study?

    When I was active, I collected all the old publications I could find. I studied and researched and kept extensive notes. I could quote points from old publications. I had all the old Franz era prophetic books, and I regularly consulted them. I color-coded the Revelation Climax book and wrote extensive marginal notes in it.

    Things just seem so different in JWdom now. stuckinarut2 wrote something like this recently in another thread: “It's anyone's guess now as to what the official JW teachings are.” I feel the same way. Now, I couldn’t be the type JW I was back then. I couldn’t study and research as I did because I wouldn’t know what older JW publications are still “official” and are still accepted (or at least what parts thereof).

    So, how do JWs know? Would it be acceptable for a JW in the new JWdom to refer to an old Franz publication in a Watchtower comment? Do JWs still even have access to the older stuff? I feel that a lot of the old-timers still have the older books and other publications, and I guess the older publications are still included with The Watchtower Library software, but I’m not sure. The two younger (30ish) JWs I’ve talked with lately didn’t even know who F Franz was and probably know nothing of the publications he was responsible for, but what about the older ones who know of such? Have they been instructed not to consult them?

    It seems that JWdom is, as has been stated on this site, becoming more of a lifestyle religion and less doctrine oriented as it used to be. It seems now to be just concerned about obedience and “light” (as in “not heavy”) teachings.

    If that is true, then back to my question. How do the research-inclined feel? How far back in publications can they or do they go to research? How, for example, would they know which of the old type/antitype teachings were still acceptable?

    Also, am I right in feeling that JWdom is now light-duty as far as doctrine goes? Could there ever be another “deeper”, prophetic Franz-like publication? Could there ever be another publication like Daniel’s Prophecy or Revelation Climax, or are those days over? I feel for several reasons that those days are over, and that JWdom could never again be specific and bold in the doctrinal arena. Consider the Jeremiah book that was released around 2010. If my memory is correct, it was focused more on lessons (moral, motivational, etc.) that could be learned from the Jeremiah account rather than the technical and prophetic type stuff that an older Franz type publication would have been focused on. And that, to me, is indicative of the general trend in JWdom now.

    Any thoughts on any of the above or anything related appreciated.

  • Jehovah lol
    Jehovah lol

    The studious ones these days tend to end up here. Mostly thanks to the plethora of informstion available online.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Everything in JW land has been dumbed down.

    As recently announced the "Bible Teach" book will be withdrawn and the "dumbed down" version, "Teach Us" will be used. Similarly, the "God's Love" book will be withdrawn and a new simplified version replacement released.

    The WT magazine (Study version) will be combined with the simplified version and a new format simplified version released from January 2019.

    If you think all this is depressing for anyone with serious doctrinal study in mind, remember that the "Congregational Bible Study" from two weeks time will be the chilrens book "Jesus, the way, the truth, the life" We will be doing a chapter each week until 26 October 2020 then we will do it all again!

    Is there any wonder that apathy is rampant in the congregations, youngsters are bored rigid and their parents simply read out the prepublished answers like parrots?

    What Freddy Franz wrote was all twaddle but at least it had a bit of depth to it. Magnum, those days are long gone and will never return.


  • Finkelstein

    Part of awakening to the truth of the WTS is recognizing the lies the WTS propagated in its endeavor of creating a business in publishing.

    Another reality one has to accept is that the leading bible scholars (C Russell, J Rutherford, F Franz) for the WTS were also the top executive directors of the Watchtower Publishing house.

    Within that realization the answer comes clear to why there were many false doctrines from out this organization.

  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    What’s going on with JWs----So, how do JWs know?

    All you need to believe is that we are close to the end.

    Nothing else matters!

  • Finkelstein

    Religious charlatans have been selling " The End " for almost two centuries now.

    They were all wrong but notably many had literature to promote and sell.

    Along with this promotional process most of these bible preachers were also cultivating attention to themselves, elevating their own personal stature, identifying themselves as faithful and wise servants, this includes all the top leaders of the Watchtower Corporation.

  • careful

    What’s going on with JWs who are the studious/scholarly/research-inclined type?

    I know that some of them have begun their own, underground forums. They do not generally bash the org but they do exchange ideas that sometimes disagree with the party line. They talk about Heb. and Greek and delve into real scholarly sources. For them it fulfills their intellectual needs that are not being met by the present brain-starved org. Some of these forums a person has to be invited to, vouched for, and so on. In other words, it's not unlike becoming an elder. However, there, in at least some cases, sisters can join in.

    Are the trolls listening? Yikes! Something within the ranks that the GB cannot control!!! Better get those JCs rolling...

  • I believe in overlapping
    I believe in overlapping

    Magnum said;

    If that is true, then back to my question. How do the research-inclined feel? How far back in publications can they or do they go to research? How, for example, would they know which of the old type/antitype teachings were still acceptable?

    Haha, not in my hall, I know for a fact that mom and dad NEVER talk about bible stuff at home. They used to, but not anymore. They kind of changed in the past few years.

    Heck my dad is an elder and he's sick of it. He hardly goes to the meetings and the other elders are always calling him to ask what happened because he missed a talk or something. He always appoints a ministerial servant to lead the group in service. He didn't even attend the last CO visit. He and mom went on a small vacation and told the elders that something personal came up, but one of my brothers and I know they went to Hawaii.

    And the other elders are always telling me that being an elder is a pain in the neck. My brother told me that dad is going to step down at the beginning of next year and my mom who has been a regular pioneer since I can remember is going to quit coming January

    And my friends my age just go to the hall and field service to hang around and do stuff, not to learn any bible stuff. Plus I have three girl-friends in the circuit that I really like. They've taught me a lot about life and are so freaking hot. If it wasn't for them, I would know nothing about sex. They are all older than me and the oldest one (28) years old is the one that had taught me everything. She is a wild freaking pioneer that has made me confident with the opposite sex.

    So for me personally, I love going to the Kingdom Hall. I'm not going anywhere, even if dad and mom slow down.

  • Diogenesister

    Everything is simplified these days ( plus 6 mags for the public for next 2 years then repeated ad nauseam) .

    They don't want to say too much regarding doctrine these days, as they know it will only get them in trouble....people just make mincemeat of their silly ideas.

    I think ( correct me if I'm wrong) Watchtower CD goes back to 1980?? Rarther convenient.

    Hi Magnum We used to go over and study all the old Watchtowers, too. That's where we got all our potty ideas..... like aluminium being dangerous to cook in and the heart being the seat of your emotions LoL!!

    I know if you use a quote from an old Watchtower as a rebuttal to their doctrine modern JWs just switch off, they don't consider it relevent to them today.

    But neither does it occur TO them that if Watchtower was wrong back could be wrong now, too!!

  • Diogenesister
    Plus I have three girl-friends in the circuit that I really like. They've taught me a lot about life and are so freaking hot. If it wasn't for them, I would know nothing about sex. They are all older than me and the oldest one (28) years old is the one that had taught me everything. She is a wild freaking pioneer that has made me confident with the opposite sex.
    So for me personally, I love going to the Kingdom Hall. I'm not going anywhere, even if dad and mom slow down.

    I'm guessing your about 15 and that twenty eight year old winked at you during the Watchtower study.

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