Answer to Robert Luccioni's Lies and Misrepresentations

by Vanderhoven7 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vanderhoven7
  • Fadeaway1962

    Excellent and well written and informative letter .

    Will the org make a defence of the lies and misrepresentation .

    Used to believe in miracles but not anymore .

  • DesirousOfChange

    Wondering if anyone at Bethell bothered to read it in its entirety?

  • joe134cd

    What an awesome letter. I really think WT needed to hear that, and I hope Robert reads it.

  • Jofi_Wofo

    They'll never read it.

    I don't support criminal activity in any way, but I think the only way anybody who matters in the JW organization would hear it would be if someone hacked the morning worship sound system and played it over the speakers.

    Again- I don't support anyone actually doing this!

    But... I can't say I'd feel bad for anyone at Bethel if it actually happened one day. Imagine the HORROR of thousands of Bethelites having to listen to *GASP* a different opinion that is *GASP* supported by facts!

  • Vanderhoven7

    I think Robert will read it and hopefully see his lies and misrepresentation for what they are. I know I'm dreaming. Sigh

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Beautifully written, powerful letter! The only frustrating part is if he didn't read it.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Possibly he would read it because Jason copied other people, and he would most likely want to see what they read in the letter. He sent copies to Robert Luccioni's wife, David Gnam, Paul Polidoro and others.

  • Diogenesister
    It is a pity that Jehovah’s organization is run by a very judgmental group of men. I’m sure you can see how the scriptures of judgment apply to others, but can you see how they might apply to you? Or are you above judgment?

    KAPOW!!! Exactly, Jason, well said

    Possibly he would read it because Jason copied other people, and he would most likely want to see what they read in the letter.

    Exactly! That’s a good idea to C.C. Others if you want to ensure someone reads your letter. Particularly when they’re dirty, rotten scoundrels with something to hide! you know they’ll read it! (I’m so glad he mentioned that lying piece of s*** David Gnam)

  • Vanderhoven7

    Glad to see Jason's letter is being translated in a number of different languages.

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