My husband went to the game and had a fantastic time. He dressed for the weather and only the bottom of his feel got chilly. A true hockey fan, as so many Canadians are.
Real hockey is played in the cold
by concerned mama 21 Replies latest jw friends
That was awesome last night. My hubby and I watched it.
True Canadian sport. Played like it should be.
I watched part of it....used to be a serious hockey fan...but when they moved Quebec to Denver, they lost me. I still check out the playoffs, but not with the same passion I used to.
I have to admit, last night was a real test for the fans and the players, and from what I have read today everybody enjoyed themselves. Personally, I was freezing just watching them....reminded me of when I was a kid, after school, sub zero, pretending and dreaming we were competing for the cup.
Yup...freezing our asses off is pretty much our national sport.
IT WAS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister lives out in Edmonton and had tickets to go.....They had 4 tickets in total.....My sister decided to deliver a baby not to long ago, and felt she did not want to leave the baby that long...( there was 3 games played)....So my brother-in-law thought he would take his buddy and maybe, just maybe, he could sell the other 2 extra tickets...( the 4 tickets they had were a bounse when they bought their season passes)...Anyway, I could not believe they got rid of these tickest for a amount that was so outrageouse.......he got 2000.00 dollars for these tickets....He could not belive it....He just sold them to the first one who asked for them....come to find out if he had waited a little he could have gotten 3000.00-4000.00 for is all I can say....He was just as happy though coming home with all that cash in hand...He took pics of the game and said he would forward them to me....if any would like some pics of the game, just pm me with your addy and I will send them to you.....
I thought it was the coolest thing to see such a Canadian game played with winter hats on....What a Canadian Legend!
Special K
It must have been awesome to sit down with about 60,000 people and watch something like this... without any bible in your hands....and no one telling you that you need to do more and be more etc. etc.
special K
I'am afraid there was people telling to do more,more,more,more,more
more games like this, more blankets brought next time, more booze to be drank and bought,and more games to be done like this.....these are the more's that I was happy to hear about....
...what a combo....
As the mercury kept falling all week, I thought, "Great. Now the whole world will think we are a frozen fishpond." But I changed my mind. Seeing the great men of hockey playing like boys, with huge frozen grins on their faces, and the FANS. The FANS STUCK IT OUT. Hours and hours in that bitter cold. Maybe their behinds got frozen to the seats, but even so!
I am proud of my city today. Proud of the way we used our resources, ingenuity, and a good pair of sorel boots to have a great time anyways.
That was my biggest concern! You guys out there are true hockey fans...., I hope the players respect you for showing it and not bailing out early.
Special K
I just heard on the news again today that the wind chill factor was
(minus 27 degrees celcius)
Is that true? .... Freezy, cold.
Special k
I'm definitely going to have to at least learn the rules !