My favorite is "Is your husband married?"
Id like to take you to a unspeakable place and do unspeakable things to you!
Picked up many a crack whore with those!
by SpunkyChick 28 Replies latest social humour
My favorite is "Is your husband married?"
Id like to take you to a unspeakable place and do unspeakable things to you!
Picked up many a crack whore with those!
I had a guy tell me "I'd sure like to get in your pants"
I told him I already had one a**hole in there and didn't need another one.
An old friend of mine used to simply stand on a busy intersection downtown and ask women, "hey babe, lookin' for a little action?" His reasoning was that sooner or later, someone has to say "Yes". Funny thing is, he got laid more than anyone else I knew.
He also got slapped more than anyone else I knew.