This seems to be a new marketing trick.
I think FFGhost is right - this is not really new, as such, as FFG reminds us of the old "Kingdom News" campaigns that were around in the tail end of the GB1.0 in the '90s (and possibly early 2000s? I can't remember exactly when they stopped doing those).
The new dimension is that now they have their televangelist channel JW Broadcasting and the GB "update" videos to increase the hype in the run-up to November.
As a couple of others have speculated, I suspect it will be either a new Organised book (with 'exciting' new info, possibly including changes to some of the processes and procedures in congregations, maybe how they're formed, how bros are appointed, how baptisms and unbaptised pubs are arranged, etc) or a 'special' campaign like the previously mentioned Kingdom News campaigns.
As said, it's probably something to try and stir up fresh enthusiasm among the rank and file, and if there's one thing we know about the new GB2.0, it's also that they are determined to stamp their mark on the org and tear up most of what went before, so it will probably also be something to radically change one or more aspects of JW life, either in the congregation or in the ministry.
Time will tell. It's interesting, but knowing their past track record, only in the sense of an eye-rolling "What on earth have they dreamed up now?"
There may not be any leaks yet, but I suspect that the ExJW community will know what it is before November 6th. It's a long time until the autumn...