Last saturday I passed in the town by 3 men standing in front of a fish restaurant. The restaurant was newly opened and there were many people around curious about the opening
One of them leaned against a column, he was old and it was difficult for him to stand long. In the hand he held his magazines as always. It was my former good companion, presiding overseer most of the time too, and an important overseer in the region, as well as a good convincing rethoric and nearly each sunday we did house to house service together. He was one of my tutors. Next to him stood a JW guardian or watchdog, I guess a relative and they intensively talked both with a stranger.
Brother A.M. looked exhausted by the cold wind and old, but as he has done in his whole JW career he also this Saturday exemplarily stood with the 2 magazines in his hand on Saturday morning on the same place in the centre.
I pitied him and thought perhaps it may be the last time I meet him at all, because he was old.
I took the opportunity to say hello
"How are you? and how is your wife?"
"Hello" only.
I streched my excommunicated hand.
He tried infact a little to strech me his hand, but hesitated. I again strechted out my right hand, the he grasped mine too.
"I am fine and my mother is also fine, she is now 84". i said.
He positive. "Buuuuuuutt the Memorial!!"
"Do you take the magazines?" streching them against me.
"No thanks, i know them"
"I just wanted to say hello. Today it is really too cold to stand here"
No info how he was or how his wife was.
As THIS was certanly for him an affront he looked away from me as if he was busy with the other guys and continueed his conversation.
I left like a fool after I had annoyed him. Hopeful the others wont find out that I was an ex who shaked his hands. I dont know them and they dont know me. Thats good.
How ugly and senseless