I went down to see my kids in South Texas this weekend and perhaps like Job or even Jonah I was tested yet alas I returned home victorious after seeing my beautiful children. Thursday my clutch cable broke in Austin..delay of having to see the kiddies the next day...Friday I am there 3 or 4 hours and I slice my finger open bad enough to see little bits of fatty tissue and the bone...profuse bleeding.... almost 4 hours of waiting & crap plus 6 stitches in ER, I wasn't going to go to the ER, but I got yelled at a lot..*LOL*....eh finally I get there back to kids and we had a great time shopping,, hanging out, watching Harry Potter movies, tickling, laughing, and mostly me just watching them play and be themselves. . This morning rolls around and I leave early..crosswinds and it gets colder as I get closer to Dallas, seven and a half hours later I am very glad to be home and I guess like they say...buy your ticket and take your ride. Gnite all!
Dintrict Overbeer of the "Trying very hard not to thwack the index finger" class
At least you had, overall, a good time with the kids. Sorry about the finger. Mine is surprisingly better. Only one finger is stiff below the injury. Now you will be typing with at least one less finger for a while. But they heal fast.
since when do men think that it is heroic to bandage up thier own booboo's???
Please make sure you get your cut/finger looked after. Bacterial lives on the skin and not inside. Once the skin is open, it invites creatures to inhabit where they are not suppose to be.
I'm not joking here. Please take care of yourself.
Ouch!!! I'm glad you're back home safe and sound and at least had a good visit with your little chickies. Now, take Joy's advice and make sure that thing heals up before the December festivities begin!
Thanks everyone...I think the worse part was trying to throttle...although my fingers were numb anyway...*LOL* I need to get a good pair of guantlets, but I had to find some that I could get my finger into...
since when do men think that it is heroic to bandage up thier own booboo's???
um since forever joy...but I wasn't trying to be heroic..I just wanted max time w/my girls you know...oh and BTW for XMAS...buy Steve a clutch cable and make him carry it in his saddle bags...a $20 dollar part is not worth getting stranded over lemme tell ya!