I wasn't a Trump supporter in the beginning. Never thought he'd win the election. But I've jump onboard the Trump Express as I saw the economy take off and as I saw how about 75% of all politicians hate him. (My friend's enemy is my enemy!)
Such a big deal is being made of the Mueller Report. Frankly, I'm shocked there wasn't some solid evidence of conspiring with Russia. The entire effing thing is BS party line politics. The accusations against Trump pale in comparison to the dealing of both Clinton's, as well as Obama.
Lying under oath was "no big deal" when it was "I did not have sex with that woman". But now some of Trump's cronies (ie, Flynn) are convicted over menial shit. The Clinton money machine (aka The Clinton Foundation) is an absolute fraud and rife with corruption (Pay for Play). Nothing in the Trump Campaign compares.
I'm convinced they all hate him because he isn't "one of them". I like that!
I also hope the Courts shut down this BS demand for his taxes. It is NOT law that a candidate produce them for the public. Have Congress change the law that THEY ALL must produce them, and then maybe I"ll reconsider. Let's look a little closer at all politicians who have a spouse that sell shit (only) to the Government.