Ok, I know this has already been posted directly and indirectly. Now that we are getting into the holiday season. How did you feel the first time you set holiday decorations at your home. Was it different for lifers (those born and raised) as compared to those who became witnesses (after having celebrated holidays before they became witnesses and now celebrate once again).
How did you feel ?
by tazmaniac 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well considering I helped put up my first Christmas tree on saturday--it felt pretty good...
I went to visit Eyegirl, and she jokingly said, "we could put up the Christmas tree"...to which I eagerly said--"YES! LET'S DO IT!"
She told me the stories behind some of the ornaments. Who gave them to her etc. It felt like being a part of a tradition that goes back generations. It felt good to be a part of something again...
So her tree is up...a little early--but it looks beautiful!
I was born in truth. I am not sure if it has sucked all the "Christmas Spirit" out of me, but I honestly dont have to much enthusiam around the actual holiday itself. I don't mind getting to see family and friends of course and I do get joy out of watching nieces and nephews open up presents.
One thing I do love is to put up a ton of lights... but that is more a testosterone thing to me, seeing if I can add more and more lights each year. Last year we spent 3 days making a 3 color picture on the face of the house out of over 1000 lights.
My wife was born and brought up as a JWs. So she has no feelings about the Christmas holidays or others...for that matter of fact. On the other hand, I didn't become a JW until I was 17. I loved the holidays as a kid especially Christmas.
However, now that we both have choices, we both agree that the holiday is so commercial and crass that we chose not to celebrate. We do enjoy the lights and the music of Christmas. But we think that it is basically a "pagan holiday" that does not honor Christ. Some of our children do celebrate. And we have joined them on occasion. The first few years they overdid the holiday. But in the last few years, we've noticed that it has become a chore to them rather than a pleasure.
We no longer judge those who choose to celebrate. It is a personal decision. And we understand why people want the "joy and peace" promised by the season.
Special K
Hi viper76man
I just read your post about christmas lights.
Wow, my husband would love to have a guy around like you. He tries to be a little more creative each year.. but never seems content with what he does with the outside decorations.
Maybe your christmas joy, is in all those lights.
For so many years, growing up in the J.W.'s, me and my sibblings were always told that they were so ugly and wrong and YUCK!!..
Isn't that weird, to tell a kid that.. to deny him of this delightful fantastical display of sparkling lights. It only teaches a child to doubt what he sees as truth.
Special K
Special K
You know what I did my first few Christmas'es (sp?)
I used to get up at 12 or 1 o'clock in the morning and go down and turn on the Tree lights.. Then I would just lay back on the couch and watch them. Excited, goggle eyed, mesmorized, so much glee in me.
It just clicked that I think that was the little girl in me letting out the joy of the pretty lights that I had to keep stuffed down for 30 years. It was okay, to let myself, JUST LOVE THEM.. when I was all alone in the dark.
sincerely from.. the love the sparkly lights on the tree people.
Special K
I am not sure if it has sucked all the "Christmas Spirit" out of me, but I honestly dont have to much enthusiam around the actual holiday itself.
I'm very much the same way. The thing is I remember some of the joy I had during Christmas when I was a child (before the age of 5 when Christmas went out the window). I can't recapture the joy I once had.
That is really sweet, Special K. :) I do that too, and I have lights on my tree that do twinkle and flash. I see my son's delight when the decorations are up (and the outdoor lights on all the houses too) and I wonder how my parents could have possibly denied us this wonder and beauty.
I rebel against the crass commercialism of the season but we do take the opportunity to get together with friends and family and just enjoy being together. :)
All this talking about lights reminded me of an Xmas tradition that some in our hall used to do.
Out in Maple Valley Washington by the Lake Wilderness Golf course and country Club the houses in the surrounding neighborhoods are all decked out with lights. It can take about 45minutes to an hour and a half to drive through it all. It reminds one of the Disney Light Parades. This has been getting bigger and better every year. On some days in December, the local news stations are out there and the community has a food drive or gift collection for needy children.
There were about six families that I knew of from our hall that would do the drive through. Two were elders. Yes the lights were to chase away demons blah blah blah. I guess their curiousity got the better of them.
I haven't seen the lights for afew years 'cause I live in eastern WA. For those of you in Seattle, if you like this sort of thing, the trip might be worth it.
I've always gotten warm fuzzies around the holiday season ;) I've always loved Christmastime...all the lights and the free cookies whereever you go...a lot of Witnesses complained about how crabby people are this time of year but to me it's always seemed that they were just a little more friendly, a little more giving. I am totally thrilled about actually being able to join in the festivities this time instead of watching from a distance. :) Even the music isn't bothering me as much...