I jumped out of a plane 15,000 feet!

by Sirona 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • czarofmischief


    At least if you mess up, it isn't like it's a decision you'll have to live with.


  • Sirona

    He he! I must be mad, you all must be right. The video arrived this morning - R phoned me at work and said that it had arrived and that he'd watched it and I look totally terrified the whole way through! He says its hilarious! I'm dying to watch it later.

    Black Man - you asked some questions....

    How long is the training session?

    About 1 hour. You learn how to fall properly... ha ha... and the main rules such as don't grab the equipment etc. Actually, I broke that rule...when the parachute opened I grabbed at the straps across my chest (you know its just a automatic reaction to falling at 120mph and then coming to an abrupt stop) and the guy said "DONT GRAB!!!!! THATS THE FIRST WAY TO GET US BOTH KILLED!!!" (and I thought, Oh My God, sorry....)

    How can you tell when you're within 5,000 of land?

    Well its tandem so the guy who I was strapped to did all that. He has an altometer and apparently they also use their own judgement because altometers can fail. If you check out the website I gave - you'll see the guy who I jumped with Mike Burgess, he has done over 9500 jumps so I felt pretty safe with him.

    How heavy are the parachutes?

    Dunno. I do think that there was only one parachute though because people tell me that the reserve parachute is usually strapped to the front of the person but that can't happen for tandem jumps. I could be wrong but honestly I didn't ask at the time. Strange really, when you're terrified of dying because the parachute doesn't open, you don't think to ask if there is a reserve parachute....doh

    Has noone else reading this done a skydive?? I'd like someone else to tell me what they thought of it -

    By the way, R also did a bungy jump at the bungy centre at Circus Circus - 17 stories high - that looked great but I didn't have the guts to do that!


  • blondie

    Good deal, Sirona! Of course, a working parachute helps. But you are more likely to be killed every time you get in your vehicle yet no one thinks twice about that. I did this once when I was a JW, a young whippersnapper (I didn't realize it was a no-no).


  • Sirona


    What did you think of the skydive? It was fun, but honestly it was the most terrifying thing I've ever done! The thing is, I'm tempted to do it again because I think I'd be a bit calmer and would enjoy it more 2nd time round.


  • Sirona


    I know what you mean about if you've been ill it does seem to take on more significance. The whole holiday was the best I've ever had in my life! My sister got married out there and we just had a fantastic time! We did everything we could in Las Vegas - its just the best place. It meant a lot to me because I guess I'm always conscious that we just don't know what the future holds so its great to just live for now and do as much as you can while you can.


  • blondie
    What did you think of the skydive?

    Well, once you jump, there is no going back. I just hoped I would remember my training and that my chute worked. Actually, the fall wasn't the hard part; landing even with a chute was a challenge. Now I'm too crippled to attempt another but you go for it, Sirona.

    IT WAS A RUSH!!!!


  • czarofmischief
    the guy said "DONT GRAB!!!!! THATS THE FIRST WAY TO GET US BOTH KILLED!!!" (and I thought, Oh My God, sorry

    How can you properly apologize for screwing up a 15,000 foot skydive? What is the etiquette for an apology of that magnitude? I imagine it would have to be something fairly brief, like AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

    Lol! I'm jealous! skydiving is something I've always wanted to do. Now I'm inspired.


  • The Judge
    The Judge

    I'm impressed. I'm 46 and I'd love to do it. One of these days after I get my life back.

  • Sirona


    I imagine it would have to be something fairly brief, like AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!


    I watched the video last night - its totally hilarious! I look so scared! The thing is, I now appreciate why he was saying that - the little toggle for the parachute was right near where I grabbed.... (I surely did dice with death....)

    Judge - go for it, no time like the present.


  • lovinglife

    Congratulations!!!!! It is definitely an experience that you'll never ever forget. It's such a complete rush!! I did 5 tandem jumps while I lived in Florida in the 90's. It doesn't feel like your falling but like your flying and it was so quiet up there. My first jump was from a small Cessna, 10,000 ft. and it was another skydivers birthday...so he jumped out with just his "birthday suit" and parachute. I think the hardest part was manuvering to land on the designated place. I did get one video of me up in the air. Nothing like seeing your cheeks flap around. Well worth it.

    I think everyone should try it at least once to experience the rush. I was visiting one drop zone and met a woman who had lost the use of her legs but would jump tandem with an instructor. She had logged like 50+ jumps. Its amazing what a person can accomplish! Blue skies!!!

    "And once you have tasted flight, your eyes will be turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return."

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