Mouthy is not feeling well...

by invictus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I just cant let this link go by without telling you all how kind your remarks were. to Invictus a big ((hug)to Franklin !No to your offer of tapes I have a pain in the back dont need one in the a...( sounds like grass)
    To Valis, Estee Wednesday The flowers were lovely- ( even the voses wednesday lol)
    treshappy-good to see you again- sorry I didnt recognise you ( blondie)
    Expat KamaSutra???/ (wink wink)
    Special K. Thanks for the info
    Robdar,Anghard,simon,Sheila & Hubby,jizcool,bebu, Nathan,moonwillow ,Country woman, bebu drwtsn,Freefallin, KJ ,Kisses & Hugs back to you all
    benext -John doesnt know about my back.
    Tatiana -I guess your pills are working I am slowly on the mend.
    Yiz -Missed you at PA
    Shera what a nice thing to say-thanks
    Tinker,I missed being on here also.
    Aztec It is working I am getting "weller"
    Petty grudger Not the same without me checking on you
    Blondie would be great to meet you both.
    Guest -yes invictus is very good to me I have only met them 4 times -Yes I have been on the receiving end of the whole families love.
    jgnat ???? Is that a cigerette lighter ???? LOL
    ascot I need to be here also.
    68 storm.Thanks John. Hope the birthday gos over well.
    Tom.... I would go nuttier than I am if I was out of action.
    Mulan -Yes I have osteo in the last part of my spine Rheamatoid every where else.Sorry about your & Mums suffering it "aint" easy....
    Wildhorses -am resting LOTS!!!!
    Flower glad you got the gift. Enjoy the holidays.I love you too.
    Lady Lee You stop saying I cant GO I want to!!!!!!!! I have a mansion there ( wink wink)
    Awake & Free-isnt it great to say we are Christian & we didnt have to bang on doors to say it. we just accepted the gift given.
    Outof service -I am praying for your situation also
    Nilfun I am geting there.
    Morton its nice to know some one likes me give him a hug from me....
    Razor your special too
    Dansk That was so sweet thanks alot (((HUG)) I wish Claire was here too.
    Bikerchic I needed that
    Borgfree---No It was NOT on account of me having sex( as your private e-mail suggested) But I have heard it could help???? Your bad!!!!!! But I still love you... Thanks to each & everyone of you If I left any out I am so sorry-- but Age is a rusty deal. .




  • Yerusalyim

    Get well Mouthy...THAT'S AN ORDER!

  • borgfree


    It was NOT on account of me having sex

    I only meant, the position you were in in that picture, may have caused a back problem. hmmmmmm, now I am starting to wonder.......

  • mouthy

    Roy!!! Dont wonder !! What you dont use you lose

  • jgnat

    Mouthy, I thought you would recognize my gift right off. It is a massager! To help you feel better.

  • mouthy

    JG I KNEW what it was LOL .......I was teasing.....

  • gumby


    Dang it! I come to this thread right after you gave praises to all who responded and I missed the list by only a few. I'm always a day late

    I'm sorry for your back trouble. My boss told me "if I came back.....there would be trouble." that's back trouble!

    Seriously...I too have back trouble and pain. I've had it so bad I'd rather be dead it hurt so bad. Pain relievers and muscle relaxers didn't touch it when it was bad. I know it can be tough. Anyways....I was wondering ....if you wouldn't be embarrased....if you would like me to come over and give you a sponge bath or anything? I won't peek either.

    *gumby tries testing mouthy too see if she's really in pain*

    Take care sweetie


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    WOW, Mouthy! So sorry to hear about your back problems, cherie! I've had them for years with 8 compressed discs and arthritis, too....hope you have a recliner and an air-filled mattress, cause these are the BEST for helping relieve the pain on short term....also, I take Glucosamine Chondroitin when mine gets bad as it did last hurt so badly every step I took felt as though my spinal cord would sever....took the Glucosamine Chondroitin, and slept on air mattress overnight and blessed relief by the next truly helps a great deal and the GC builds up the cartilage in your discs to cushion the spine...hope this helps.

    Frannie B


    awwwwwwww ((((((((((((((((((((Grace)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I hope you get to feeling better very soon. I'm thinking of you. Wish I were closer so I could come and visit and see what you need. You take care and come back to us as soon as you can sweetheart!! Love ya Hugs and kisses

  • Brummie

    Thinking of you Grace and hoping the pain eases quickly now.



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