Intersting Visit from our local JWs yesturday

by little_Socrates 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • little_Socrates

    Way to early on a Saturday morning we got a ring on our doorbell. Someone else answered the door. After they left I walked by our entry way and gagged from the smell! They never came inside our home but the fragrances the brother and or sister where wearing was over powering even after they left!

    I wasn't going to stand for it. It was rude. We have people in our home that are very fragrance sensitive. I stopped them as they where walking away. I said "Your Perfume is too strong it is very rude!" They say "I am sorry I didn't see a sign" I tell them there ministry would be much more effective if they weren't rude with there fragrances. People have asthma and headaches and you can make them sick... it isn't the way to spread the good news. The response was simply "I will tell them not to bother you any more"

    Are they so used to persecution and rejection that any negative comments are automatically dismissed? I will admit my tone was sharp with them.. only because I know how important this issue is for many people.. But I was in no way rude, and as a matter of fact I gave them good advice on how to improve their ministry.

    When did it become old fashion to treat other peoples personal space with anything but the greatest respect? If you are invited to someones home you must take GREAT care to not in any way offend the host. These people weren't even invited!


  • Je.suis.oisif
    Ignorant twunts.
  • JWdaughter
    Come on, these are the same people who will shun a child for pointing out actual , provable, obvious wrongdoing in the Borg. They persecute kids for reporting abuse, why would they be sensitive to any worldly persons allergies?
  • Ohiamfree
    They might have been nice people? Just a thought? I think if you get stressed about fragrance, then you might want to calm down a bit! I worked with someone the other day with mental health problems who had too much aftershave on. I didn't let it take over my stress levels. Remember with fragrance you often can't smell how strong it is on yourself. Are you suggesting a form of control over people?
  • GrreatTeacher

    I used to wear perfume, but quit when it started to give me headaches. But, this was only some perfumes. I could never figure out the offending ingredient.

    Now mostly all of them make me feel headachey and nauseous.

  • steve2
    Your house your rules, but to blast them for wearing fragrances seems a little like overkill..and not a little unkind.
  • Heaven
    little_Socrates, almost every personal hygiene product available has fragrance in it. It is difficult to find ones that do not. I know as I have to use them. Not everyone has the level of sensitivities that your household has. Do you have a sign posted stating your household requires fragrance free interactions? If not, then this is not something anyone should be ragged on about if they wear fragrance.
  • GrreatTeacher

    Yes, but it's the overlayering of it that is the problem. You're wearing scented soap or bodywash, scented shampoo, scented body lotion, scented clothing from laundry detergent and then spray perfume on top of all of that? It's enough to gag you.

    I use unscented soap and skip the scented body lotion because my skin is always oily anyway. I do use Dove shampoo, but I never use perfume.

    I use unscented laundry detergent for my son who has very sensitive skin and mildly scented detergent for my own and my husband's clothes. I do not use either fabric softener or dryer sheets.

    And I think we smell pretty enough. Any more and it would be overkill and make us rashy or headachey or nauseous. Surely other people have these sensitivities too.

    And truly, it does seem that fewer and fewer people are wearing perfume or cologne like they used to.

  • honest

    Look I understand they trespassed on your property. But to react unkindly because they wore perfume? Is completely uncalled for. The majority do not have perfume allergies and it's your responsibility to either inform people who enter your home ( maybe a sign on the front door) or accept that maybe you need to address your allergy issues.

    I wear perfume and will always wear perfume. If I had a friend who reacted to perfume I wouldn't wear it when she's around. But if I were out in public and wearing perfume and you got your knickers in a knot, you'd be copping a few choice words from me.

    Ps I have a autoimmune disorder am allergic to the sun. I deal with it.

  • cultBgone

    Several years ago this was even mentioned at some meetings, as it is no laughing matter to someone who is chemically sensitive. Perfumes, colognes and after shave scents can cause a sufferer to have massive migraines and become nauseous almost instantly.

    The idea that you have to smell like a chemically-created scent is kinda weird anyway, when you stop and think about it.

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