Pollution, War, Ozone Layer,
Terrorism, Disease, Energy Crisis, Drugs, the Economy. The List of "Gloom and Doom" subjects goes on and on.
And every Awake or Public Talk is easy to write - Simply:
Name a problem
Declare it hopeless
Say only Divine Intervention is the answer. Repeat twice a month.
Part of the fallacy here consists of thinking of God as a detached Person on a Throne, who presently has nothing
to do with the human race. He ( and Jesus Christ) are unemployed ( redundant for you British types), just sitting
in Heaven, waiting for mankind's timeless errors to end the world. None of them see God as filling the whole universe,
and absolutely a part of each one of us.
Everytime somebody finds a new cure for disease, a new energy source, a new understanding of genetics,
or contributes to a worthy charity, humans become a bit more God-like. I think Jesus was pointing in this
direction with his comments about imitating or being "perfect like my Heavenly Father is perfect". God isn't
waiting - we're just gradually becoming "one" with Him.
If this seems radical or even blasphemous, please consider what the future holds: eventually men will gain control
over all life science and genetics. They will become fully equivalent to a Creator in any practical sense.
As for compassion, TAKE A GOOD LOOK at the men and women leading the world in technology. You'll find
a number of these highlighted in recent magazines like Esquire or Technology Review. Are they Mad scientists?
No! They, by and large, are deeply committed to "making the world a better place", making a name for themselves
by curing cancer, or regrowing organs. I have not the slightest concern about biotech being "misused" - far from it!
I wish Congress and Clergy WOULD STAY OUT OF THE WAY and listen to people like Christopher Reed, who
push for real progress against suffering.
A reason for hope? A God who runs the universe - but somehow stays out of all improvement doesn't make sense.
A God who works thru all of us and works thru history, DOES make sense. Yesterday, we dream of a religiously
generated Paradise - Today, we build it, piece by piece, with every discovery bringing us closer to "the lame walking
and the blind seeing". Myths have power to inspire future realities, as we shall see.