What Watchtower "Doom N' Gloom" Overlooks

by metatron 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Pollution, War, Ozone Layer,

    Terrorism, Disease, Energy Crisis, Drugs, the Economy. The List of "Gloom and Doom" subjects goes on and on.

    And every Awake or Public Talk is easy to write - Simply:

    Name a problem

    Declare it hopeless

    Say only Divine Intervention is the answer. Repeat twice a month.

    Part of the fallacy here consists of thinking of God as a detached Person on a Throne, who presently has nothing

    to do with the human race. He ( and Jesus Christ) are unemployed ( redundant for you British types), just sitting

    in Heaven, waiting for mankind's timeless errors to end the world. None of them see God as filling the whole universe,

    and absolutely a part of each one of us.

    Everytime somebody finds a new cure for disease, a new energy source, a new understanding of genetics,

    or contributes to a worthy charity, humans become a bit more God-like. I think Jesus was pointing in this

    direction with his comments about imitating or being "perfect like my Heavenly Father is perfect". God isn't

    waiting - we're just gradually becoming "one" with Him.

    If this seems radical or even blasphemous, please consider what the future holds: eventually men will gain control

    over all life science and genetics. They will become fully equivalent to a Creator in any practical sense.

    As for compassion, TAKE A GOOD LOOK at the men and women leading the world in technology. You'll find

    a number of these highlighted in recent magazines like Esquire or Technology Review. Are they Mad scientists?

    No! They, by and large, are deeply committed to "making the world a better place", making a name for themselves

    by curing cancer, or regrowing organs. I have not the slightest concern about biotech being "misused" - far from it!

    I wish Congress and Clergy WOULD STAY OUT OF THE WAY and listen to people like Christopher Reed, who

    push for real progress against suffering.

    A reason for hope? A God who runs the universe - but somehow stays out of all improvement doesn't make sense.

    A God who works thru all of us and works thru history, DOES make sense. Yesterday, we dream of a religiously

    generated Paradise - Today, we build it, piece by piece, with every discovery bringing us closer to "the lame walking

    and the blind seeing". Myths have power to inspire future realities, as we shall see.


  • Nosferatu
    Everytime somebody finds a new cure for disease, a new energy source, a new understanding of genetics, or contributes to a worthy charity, humans become a bit more God-like.

    I want to clone my ex-girlfriend so I can have sex with her one more time.

  • metatron

    Sex gave us VCRs that now cost less than $200.

    Sex gave us rapid Internet growth. Sex can help breakdown religious fanaticism. Hello, Islamic world!


  • czarofmischief

    I agree that they just repeat themselves over and over. I got so sick of them trying to intimidate me. They offer no solutions, no protection, just empty promises and emptier threats.

    Crush 'em!


  • stillajwexelder

    Sex gave us VCRs that now cost less than $200. Sex gave us rapid Internet growth. Sex can help breakdown religious fanaticism. Hello, Islamic world! metatron This was obviuosly said tongue in cheek -- but genetically and biologically sex and the gene pool is the biggest driver in the growth of mankind, and diversity and survival of the species. There is a lot of truth in the fact that SEX improves the world -- make love not war!!

    Name a problem ... Declare it hopeless ... Say only Divine Intervention is the answer. Repeat twice a month

    LOL!!! RollyYup! That is what the dubs do! Except they interject a $hitload of FEAR into the equation ...Afraid the Control Factor ...

    Sheesh! ... What a useless religion ...


  • czarofmischief

    I always found it amusing to follow the logic to its conclusion:

    ergo Problem: Slavery

    Solution: God's Kingdom

    Means: Through Armageddon, God kills all slaves and slave owners on earth. Thus, the problem is neatly resolved. Like Roman peace, eh?

    Problem: Drug use

    solution: God's Kingdom

    Means: God kills all drug users, growers, and dealers.



  • peacefulpete

    It's true what is being said. The relentless emphasis upon negatives reinforces the desire for change while defeating efforts for change. When they have us all down then they insist the ONLY solution is theirs. This way natural indignation over injustice, sympathy for suffering and general discontent is channelled into loyalty for the cult. IOW, if you don't agree with us that the JWs are the true church THEN you are a person who likes to see the suffering of others and corruption in government.

    It's very much like Bush's recent suggestion that his political opponents,simply by being his opponents, desire to see a 'weakening of the war on terror'. Regardless of how you feel about Bush and his policies, this is trash.

  • worldlygirl

    My ex and his parents would get literally PISSED whenever I talked about how great the world is. Every time they said something negative, I brought up a topic to demonstrate how much better a place the world is compared to 100 years ago. They hate me. I don't care.

  • SYN

    Exactly, Metatron, exactly.

    Now you need to ask yourself: Is all of this movement, this evolution of technology, is it all just a silly coincidence?

    And then ask yourself at which point we are on the graph of technological development over time.

    Your eyes will goggle out of your head, I assure you.

    Check out this site for more: www.kurzweilai.com

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