I'll wait for the cache Craig, its not cleared yet, but sure don't want to give a decent man like you grief! Patience Scoob, patience.......
Ummm.......a question....
by ScoobySnax 19 Replies latest jw friends
Scoob, it appears that there was a computer glitch in putting your thread back on the board...it shows, but it won't open. If you are willing, I can delete the original and then you can repost.
Sorry for the confusion.
Scoob is going to be Darth Vader in no time at this rate!!!
Craig, I'm a little confused as to why the post was moderated in the first place. I hope its not because of the reasons I first suspected. Of course I cannot repost it now as I have exceded my maximum of 2 posts per day. My first was the original post. The second being my question as to why the removal in the first place. Guess I'll have to wait 24 hours to post the same again.
Thanks though Craig, in a round-a-about crazy way!
Scoob, it looks like your original thread is gone to computer heaven. I'll have to delete this one, and you will thereby have the option to start another thread (as soon as the cache clears). I'll explain there.
Again, sorry for the confusion.
It refuses to be one of the 144,000. I'll "resurect" it 24 hours from now.
Ditzy silly ol Craig.....
Tommorow. Scoob.
Hey, I'm really sorry. I just tried to delete the thread that got chewed up in the server, but I couldn't, cause I couldn't open it! DOHHHH.
My sincerest apologizes, and you'll have a p/m waiting when you get up.
What is that thread of Scooby's going to be now? Can't open it, can't be deleted.
You may be paranoid but then again people may be really after you.
Certainly not a JW site if posts can be put in Purgatory!!! he he!