May you all have peace (and I will try to keep this brief - yeah, right!)
When using and thinking of the word 'man', most people think that it only applies to humans, physical people. It does not. Indeed, Adam, was the 'first' man. But what KIND of man? Adam... was the first 'red' man... or first man... WITH HEMOGLOBIN.
My Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and my Lord, too, are 'men'. They are just not physical 'men', but spiritual 'men'. That is why there is a very distinct difference between 'earthling' man... and man that is not 'of this world'.
'Earthling' man has red hemoglobin in his body... in his flesh. Can flesh enter into the kingdom? Indeed, it can. Spiritual flesh, that which is in the image of my Father, can 'enter into the kingdom'. Indeed, there are different KINDS of flesh, that which is 'terrestial' or earthly... and that which is 'celestial', or spiritual.
Adam and Eve entered into the kingdom every time they entered into the Garden of Eden. They went in... and out... and 'found pasturage'. However... flesh... AND BLOOD... red hemoglobin... cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Sorry, but red hemoglobin MUST be 'poured out'... or 'changed'. For it is only flesh with SPIRITUAL blood... holy spirit... and not 'earthly' blood, red hemoglobin... that can enter into the kingdom. Because, dear ones... the LIFE... is IN... the blood. Red hemoglobin can not 'transfigure' from physical to spiritual... UNLESS it is 'changed'. And that 'changing' takes place by means of a better 'blood'... one which 'cleanses' or makes holy so that ANYONE possessing it can 'enter'. That 'blood'... is holy spirit.
And we know of at least THREE individuals, maybe four... who certainly had both types:
Adam and Eve, which is why they could enter the garden, and my Lord, which is why he could 'transfigure' and was able to 'ascend' while still in a 'fleshly' body. Indeed, that is why when he was pierced, blood AND WATER poured out of him. And the spirit, the blood, the water... these three are 'in agreement'.
And John, because he DID go 'up there'... in the spirit.
For Adam and Eve, however, eventually the spiritual blood diminished. First, they were sealed into that which most of us have now, a 'long garment of skin', sinFUL flesh, an 'unclean garment' in which God's spirit CANNOT dwell without it being first cleansed... and by means of their being blocked from reentering the Garden to 'eat'... and gain nourishment to FEED that spirit once again. All as a result of their disobedience. NOT as a punishment, but as a result of not listening to a warning: "don't go there, cause if you do... you WILL die." NOT, "don't go there, cause if you do I will kill you." They didn't BELIEVE the warning, however, didn't put faith in it. And so, they 'sowed with a view to the flesh'... and 'reaped corruption' from that flesh.
Are there any today who have both types of blood and thus are able to 'transcend' the flesh? Indeed, there are. They are ones who've received the blood of God, Holy Spirit, which 'blood' makes their 'mortal bodies alive', and permits them ENTRY into the kingdom of God. It is by means of that 'blood' that they are 'begotten', conceived, and awaiting 'birth', the putting off of the flesh that requires red hemoglobin to exist, and putting on that which does not... immortality.
Do they ALL 'enter in'? Nope. Why not? Simple. A lack of faith... or an unclean heart, the 'curtain' of THIS flesh that 'separates' us from God. Truthfully, that is all that stands between them and the kingdom. One only need exercise FAITH... and purify one's heart... and one can enter. Does that mean such one has to be perfect? Nope. Such one can NOT be 'perfect', for the flesh that we all reside in is 'sinful'. However, one CAN have their sins 'covered over'... by faith... and gain entry. It really is that simple. And if one cannot enter, one must look at oneself (the HARDEST thing in the world to do, yes?)... and no one else. One must truly, truthfully and DEEPLY 'scrutinize' oneself to see if there indeed exists any 'uncleaness'... HYPOCRISY... in one. And if one is honest and finds some, one only need ASK... it can be 'conquered', blotted out, covered over, even removed. But one cannot have removed, what one does not know, believe, or acknowledge exists.
My Lord was called 'the Son of Man', NOT because he was 'born of woman', but because he WAS the son of a man, my Father, JAH OF ARMIES. Indeed, just as my Father is a 'husband', and a 'father', He, too, is a 'man'. Yet, He is not a PHYSICAL man, He is not 'earthling' man, He is not 'mortal' man. He is, instead, a SPIRITUAL man, a 'celestial' man... an immortal man. And both He and His Son, my Lord, have 'wives'... 'brides'... 'women'.
Indeed, even the animals are 'man'... and wife'. (Thank you, dear one).
I bid you peace and beg your patience, as I remain,
Your servant, servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,