Fresh 2003 statistics

by izobcenec 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • drawcad_1

    it looks like memorial attendance increased by 1.8% from last year.

  • johnny_was_good

    Izzy thanks for the stats.

    The first thing I compared were the memorial parttakers. They are down by almost 200, after years of stability.

  • joenobody

    Stupid question, but where the heck is Canada on the list? and what country is Frankreich? I thought he used to be the backup QB for the Buffalo Bills.

  • stillajwexelder

    The British statistics should interest a few on this forum -- ever since 1995 the total hours has gone down each year and 2003 was no exception down to 17 million and something now -- no question IMHO that the Generation teaching had an effect

  • johnny_was_good
    Stupid question, but where the heck is Canada on the list? and what country is Frankreich

    Canada in German is written with a K => Kanada

    Frankreich is France

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Here is an interactive web site that someone sent me.


    Do a cut and paste.

  • Elsewhere

    Ahhhhh yes! The "Growth" is slowing down.... gone are the days of double digit growth. It is just a matter of time before the growths stalls completely and starts to go down.

  • jwsons

    Let's take 2002 Av Pubs. = 6,048,600
    + 2003 No.Bptzd = 258, 845
    it should be 6, 307, 445 for 2003 Av Pubs.

    But it is in the report the Av Pubs. only 6,184,046 means less 123, 399 (or more apostates !!!)


  • AlanF

    jwsons and others, you need to account for natural deaths. I don't know the exact rate, but at least 1% (think of average life spans) must die each year. So with about 6 million JWs, there must be at least 60,000 deaths a year, which needs to be accounted for in terms of the number of people actually leaving the cult each year.


  • badboy

    Where R the UK figures.

    there also seem 2 b no G-M countries,Strange!

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