I created that page
Thanks for all your efforts Rev. A lot of people don't know how much time and effort you've spent on this issue all these months, but you've done a great job.
by worldlygirl 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I created that page
Thanks for all your efforts Rev. A lot of people don't know how much time and effort you've spent on this issue all these months, but you've done a great job.
and to you too BT...
no-one knows till you start putting your name on stuff, but that's ok. I don't think recognition is our drive.
Just call us the 'Unknown"
Lady Lee....I was wondering the same thing. The number itself may be correct but the ratios may be far, far off because if it is a cumulative number then you would have to compare it with the total number who have been JWs throughout the entire period, and include all those who have left the Org during the period covered.
Is that number at the bottom the WTBTS???
(Joel Gott's Number, the person who registered the Official Website's Domain Name) (From a Domain Name Registering Website). Watchtower Bible and ...
Um, BigTex, why exactly did you edit? And how is Joels privacy being invaded? The phone number is WTBTS and it's in many search engines with his name attached.
This is what is on the page..."the number at the bottom of the link":
Watchtower Society
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
Let Us know what you think!
Phone: (718) 560-5333
Fax: (718) 560-7119
The 23,700 is probably fairly accurate based on my experience.
In the 1992-93 service year, the Watchtower Society in Canada fielded over 50 (just under 1 per week) separate telephone inquiries regarding child abuse from across Canada. During that year there was approx 100,000 publishers. The year prior was about the same number of calls and it was presumed by the Branch Committee and the Legal deptartment that this number would increase in future years. The expected increase was based on the Society re-issuing it's directive that elders report abuse directly to Legal as well as the greater exposure to the issue of child abuse in the media.
Speculating on this then the USA has 10 times the number of publishers of Canada, then would be fair to say there could easily be 400-500 reports to the US branch per year, but from what I heard at the time this number is extremely low. During one telephone conference Brooklyn commented on 850 calls that year regarding abuse. It was also during this period that the Service Dept and Legal departments were fighting over who should be handling the abuse calls. So there were many other calls that year not included in these figures which were handled by Service Desk.
The 23,000 figure included the US, Canada, as well as other European countries and these files were collected over several years (I heard it was approx. 15 years of records).
So just between Canada and the States you are looking at just over 1,000 abuse calls per year = 15,000 reports over the 15 year period. The other European Countires could easily make up the other 9,000 reports.
Hope this helps.
The average (JW) pedophile will,molest 148 children,in a lifetime?
Find out more.
Who knows what the figures really are, I'm sure they are alarmingly high. I blame a combination of their warped views of sex as well as their policy of treating children by the same standards as adults, not allowing kids to simply be kids.