I read the news today, oh boy...

by Nathan Natas 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Nilfun's post explains a bit about what caused the catastrophe at Lake Nyos, and I agree that THAT PRECISE CHAIN OF EVENTS is unlikely at Yellowstone for the reasons given, but that does not rule out the thermal breakdown of carbonate rock, which is already on record as happening in some areas of Yellowstone, could not happen on a much larger scale.

    You can do a little demonstration of this thermal breakdown in your own kitchen. boil some water, and take it off the heat and let it cool for a minute or so, just so you're sure it is no longer hot enough to be boiling.

    Have on hand a half-teaspoon each of salt, sugar, and baking soda [sodium bicarbonate] (not baking powder).

    Put the salt in the hot water- nothing happens.

    Put the sugar in the hot water - nothing happens.

    Put the bicarbonate in the hot water, and the heat causes the carbon dioxide to be immediately relased from the bicarbonate, and the water will seem to boil for a few seconds.

    Now take a cup the size of yellowstone lake...

    -- Mr. Apsoto-Wizard

    "Next week - ATOMIC ENERGY!!!"

  • Sentinel

    Ah, perhaps the pothole just might need a giant dose of good old citric nitrate

  • gumby

    Nathan you bastard!

    Have you lost your mind old bud?

    I do hope you know I was jokin.

    I'm worried about you.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    (Grrrrr.... if the web link photo feature turns on, there will be 3 or 4 copies of the same thing here, plus one red"X")

  • pettygrudger

    Oh, boy, were all dead!

    Ya'know, maybe Bruce Willis or Arnold Swchreneigger could just take a rocket launcher to the damn thing, we could film it and make a cool movie:)

    Repent, the end is near foul sinners!

    I know, we could sit on lawn chairs, on the shore, and wait for the lava explosion to propel us to that meteor that was supposed to hit the earth?

    Repent, nastly, nasty little sinner!

    Ok, fine, I'm gonna go buy some toilet paper, bottled water and the stuff I need to do Nathan's experiments; so I can sit in my dark cold soot filled basement and figure out what the hell went wrong.

    My Day Tomorrow: "''Oh, dum da dee duh do....BOOM!!!!.....Shit man!

    Repent, foul little slimly smelly sinners!

    FINE: Your right, it's gonna blow...soon. Whatchaa gonna do about it?

    I figure I could live off pool water and the neighbors dogs for a few days?

    Repent, non-belivers of the coming doom, doom on you! doom on you! doom on you!

  • pettygrudger

    P.S. The above was written by my dear hubby - everyone welcome him to ex-jw world - he knows not what he says (especially after 1/2 bottle of wine w/the wifey)

    His name is Tim - be nice folks!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Welcome Tim!

    If you want a front-row seat for the big blast, you'll need to be about 600 miles away. Much closer than that - like on the shore of Yellowstone lake - and you'll be atomized.

    by the way, don't expect a big blast from the bicarbonite experiment - it is just a demonstration of the principles involved - the BATF need not be concerned.

  • SheilaM

    Nathan: Is it possible for them to do an explosion to relieve pressure before it builds to excess? More of a controlled one? SheilaM

  • Stephanus
    if it 'goes' it will be bad news

    (especially if someone is camping on it)

    Don't worry Simon; this bulge is under many fathoms of water, so anyone camping on it would drown long before it exploded!

  • imallgrowedup
    My god! Satan is breaking out of Hell!

    Alert the pastors!

    LOL @ Czar!

    Methinks it's just where the UFO's hide out!


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