William Shatner is 90 years old but doesn't look like it-------Why?

by pistolpete 38 Replies latest social current

  • shadowclone

    Romulan ale is great stuff but hard to find

  • waton

    There was a french lady living to 122, if you had seen her at 32 years before he death, you would not have guessed her nominal age either. There are centenarians running the marathon, -- why? one obvious factor is genetics. old males in his ancestry having children with young[er] ladies ( even the attempt is a frowned upon practise these days). That is the answer of the evolutionist.

    Ours is not to ask the reason why--- just enjoy.

  • pistolpete

    old males in his ancestry having children with young[er] ladies ( even the attempt is a frowned upon practise these days).

    jEAlouSY !!!!!!!

    If you can do it---------Why not!

    I hope I can live healthy and strong till I'm over 200. Hopefully science, can make it happen by the time I'm 90.


    It’s hard to say. Usually it’s a combo of genetics and lifestyle. He’s put on weight as he has aged as well. I think you look older when you’re thinner, ect.


  • waton
    you look older when you’re thinner

    DD at least in the face, a chubby cherub smile looks young. Older people are happier ( I speak from experience, am past 90). Being clean shaven helps too. Older people are childish, that feature, unabashedly expressed helps too.

    In the US, past retirement age, you have state funded health care, that takes furrow causing worries away.

    You actually live longer, better after you "catch your second breath", after a certain age.

    latest wt doctrine is, that Isaiah 65 actually speaks of the restored Jewish returnees, rather than Armageddon survivors, so is the man Jewish?

  • pistolpete

    You actually live longer, better after you "catch your second breath", after a certain age.

    Waton, what do you mean by living longer and better "After a certain age"

    What are the reasons you live Better after certain age?????

    Is it because when you are young and married there is to much drama trying to survive and purchase a home, car ------etc. ????

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yes, he actually is Jewish.

  • waton
    , what do you mean by living longer and better "After a certain age", car?

    pp: There was a study published on BBC showing, that at ( not after) a certain age, your chances of dying next year - goes down-, because you have proven victorious over certain age related failures, cancers, heart, diabetes issues. and

    yeah, marriage finances can create stress, but competing for single mating partners even more so, if you are not an alpha - (male like me), or - lady (slim, as mentioned by another poster).

    Cars last longer too for seniors, no more commuting, or road rage drives. time to tinker.

    I recommend to surround yourself with young people, your wife, children, or at least hang such pictures in your home. Your face has a tendency to sculpt itself after the image you see.

  • pistolpete

    Waton ; yeah, marriage finances can create stress, but competing for single mating partners even more so, if you are not an alpha - (male like me), or - lady (slim, as mentioned by another poster).

    Cars last longer too for seniors, no more commuting, or road rage drives. time to tinker.

    That's interesting. It makes sense. I'm gonna try to remove as much stress from my life as possible. I really would like to live long and healthy as possible.

    This guy is 55 but looks 25.

    His secrets: full head of hair, works out 3-5 times a week, no smoking, no alcohol, no coffee/tea, protein, lite carbs, no kids, Never married, === NO DRAMA, dates tons of beautiful women in their early 20s. All the money he earns is his. His life equals NO STRESS.


  • Vidiot

    Don't know about nerdy/swole guy, there but the Shat, well... good genes, clean living... eldritch rituals, the usual.

    It works for me, after all.

    Seriously, though, I actually am kinda that way, myself (without the abs, obviously)...

    ...coming down the home stretch towards 50 and I'm told I look about 30... I get it from my dad, who didn't start turning gray until he was about 65.

    My kids laugh at my wedding photos and crack wise that the chess club geek somehow managed to score the prom queen, a hairdresser jokingly asked if I sacrificed children in the forest at night, and I even had a recent encounter with a nice old lady who thought my daughter was my sister.

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