"Worldly" Celebrations

by Coop Man 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Robert_V_Frazier

    But I have also found that if you dig deep enough you can find pagan origins for almost everything including baptism.

    Pagans eat food, too. And breathe air. And drink liquids, sometimes including water. All of these pagan practices should be shunned by all loyal Christians Watchtowerites.

    Robert V Frazier

  • integ



    But I have also found that if you dig deep enough you can find pagan origins for almost everything including baptism.
    Whatta bunch a dicks.
  • Phil


    Shouldn't that be "dickheads"

  • Maverick

    Forget all the pagan stuff. Forget all the "Does this make God unhappy?" stuff. In a close society like the WT it is important to break down all the social connections of your converts. One of the strongest connections is the family ties. And those ties are reaffirmed at family get togethers. Mostly during holidays and other family events, often tied to a religious setting. How do you disconnect one from his/her family? Tell them that God hates holidays, churches, and the like. And then the converts will alienate themselves from their families and friends and the new found friends will fill that void. This is the REAL reason the duds don't get involved in "worldly celebrations"! Maverick

  • kj

    That is interesting Maverick, I never thought about it that way. But it is SO true.


  • Sassy

    A perfect example of hypocrasy: We can't celebrate Holidays because of their pagan background but we CAN wear a wedding ring/band even though it too has a pagan background...

  • Phil


    Right on the money. I tried to tell my daughter that with no success.

  • Phil


    Do you have the history of this wedding ring thing?

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    Apparently, there is a vein that carries BLOOD from the ring finger straight to the heart, which as everyone knows holds the person's thoughts, personality, and emotions. Claiming this conduit with a ring is an obvious necessity.

    google would have more details.


  • little1

    The first year my Jdub boyfriend and I were dating he took me to a New Year's Eve party at a (worldly) friends house. We had a great time. As the years went by and he got sucked more deeply into the borg (he was just a dabbler when we met) we never went again-nor even went out. The last year, he wouldn't even see me on NYE. This year I'm goin' out dancing with friends. I love New Years. I hate the Witnesses. They suck the joy of life out of everything.

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