Gotta love how a person asks for help finding religious faith, a question that really doesn't need all of the God bashers' responses, only to find the atheists overwhelming the thread. This is why I don't even try to have intelligent discussions on here of any type of faith, not even asking well intentioned questions to see where I might stand. The God haters are every bit as rabid as those that love them some God, just here to proselytize and tell you how wrong you are for being different from them. Put a bag in their hands with science books in it, send them to the doors, and it's the dubs all over again.
I can't see why we can't just let people follow their own path so long as it doesn't hurt us. All of the right fighting in conversations not aimed at our point of view is reminiscent of the dubs sticking their noses in other people's business to tell them how wrong they are. Great for one's ego, but not usually of much help to anyone else.