Our apartment mail boxes just got raided last night.
<---cancelling credit card accounts
Tis the season.
by onacruse 11 Replies latest jw friends
Our apartment mail boxes just got raided last night.
<---cancelling credit card accounts
Tis the season.
Damn, that sucks.
((((Craig and Kate))))
Those things aren't secure, Craig. I could show how to get into one in 5 seconds. When I lived in apartment, I had a box at the local post office. $14 every 6 months, but it was worth the peace of mind.
It was me Craig looking for my underwear.
All joking a side I hope you didn't lose your old age security cheque
Have you checked Dave's place for your stuff?
Getting a PO box, good idea. Kate said the same this morning.
Stupid (oops, I meant US) Post Office is like a 20 min drive from here.
c'est la vie (sp? LOL)
LOL @ shotgun...
Yeah, that's it! Davey-boy...I'm calling the cops right now...I'll take pics of him behind bars.
He's such a slag-butt.
One thing that I do is have all of my cards switched over to on-line billing and payments. I pay my credit cards, phone, cable tv and even my electric and phone bills on-line. Most allow you to see your statement on-line and print it out from there if you wish.
That way, you don't have nearly as much stuff floating around in the mail, especially in apartments and places where the mail is centralized.
***** Rub a Dub
Craig, I hear ya!
I've had one or two items go missing. My suspicion are the white trash kids in my building block. I keep an eye out for wrappings/cardboard boxes, to see if my name is on the packaging, just in case.
Little bastards!
Anyways, so sorry to read about this incident, but yeah, it's highly annoying, and very unnerving.
I've lost records mailed to for ebay winnings (LPs). Damn!
I'm with Blondie, anything related to bills and banking get sent to a Post Office Box. I've had my mail stolen as well.