Some gems from the "Anointed" WT study

by NotBlind 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pixel

    "Simply put, by means of his holy spirit, God makes it clear to that person that he is invited to become a future heir in the Kingdom arrangement."

    So, why the same Holy Spirit does not make it clear that you are NOT invited to become a future heir in the Kingdom arrangement? How let Christians be so confused about their calling?

  • TheOldHippie
    Remember that the study article talks about the anointed, not about the GB.
  • Magnum

    ttdtt: SO if it's possible to have a GRADUAL realization - by definition wouldn't you for a period of time be WONDERING - and during that time - wouldnt you have been already chosen by dog? i mean god.

    Dang, that's a good point.

    pixel: So, why the same Holy Spirit does not make it clear that you are NOT invited to become a future heir in the Kingdom arrangement? How let Christians be so confused about their calling?

    That, too, is a good point.

  • ttdtt


    I will have to school you again:) See some people suffer from Post Traumatic Stress - say like having been involved in a Proxy War in the Far East and seen many atrocities like people being turned into Human Hot Dogs.

    That kind of event can lead you to thinking you are ultra special and dog can't do without you in heaven.

    It can also make you very judgmental about unimportant matters, like how tight fabric is, or where someone choose to put their penis.

    I hope this is helping you:)

  • label licker
    label licker

    So why doe the bethel print out a brochure just for their beloved bethel family when one of the anointed passes away like John Barr and others? We saw the one on John Barr "who's earthly course had finally ended". Then, the older bethelite tells us he's up in heaven now receiving his heavenly reward. We were told the org publishes a brochure when one of their mentally imbalanced anointed ones pass away. They don't do it for all bethelite members yet their all suppose to be equal. They speak outside of both their mouths at the same time.

    It would only make sense to me that since it was Jesus father who picked him to be the Anointed One, and all authority has been given to Jesus in heaven and on earth, that it would be Jesus himself that would pick the 144,000. And who's to say that won't happen until he sets up his kingdom on earth. Ruling over the earth can also mean the ruling here on earth over the entire earth and not from heaven.

    In our old hall, they have an anointed member who refuses to use their silver sword and uses his King James bible only. He says the org's bible is a joke. He believes you have to be born again/die in order to inherit the kingdom and still believes that Jesus died on the cross. When ever he goes out in service he makes sure he writes a letter letting the householder know all what's wrong with the religion's doctrines. Yeah, he's definitely anointed.

    The only reason why the elders keep him working only with them is because his past religion is eighty percent of their territory and he's eighty years old. If he got df'd, the whole community/town would make quite a noise and bethel would want to know why the elders weren't on top doing something about this guy. It's a joke. This man had shown up on my doorstep the one night with a book on jw's. It was written by Russell Reed and so we traded books. He's read both of Ray Franz's books twice. Yep! For sure he's one of the org's annointed.

  • NotBlind
    Remember that the study article talks about the anointed, not about the GB.

    True, but the GB should be examples to the rest of the anointed, should they not? Their own study article shows that the GB are doing a piss-poor job of behaving as exemplary anointed.

  • sir82

    Remember that the study article talks about the anointed, not about the GB.

    All of the GB are anointed.

    Thus, anything written about how "the anointed" should act applies with equal weight to all on the GB.

  • Diogenesister
    Why does Tony Morris claim that his time in the Vietnam War gives him experience that will be useful in destroying 7 billion people when he reigns from heaven? Is this the sign of a modest individual?

    WTF?????? Did he say that for real??? Anyway I thought the anointed had been faithfully all their lives?? How could Toni be anointed as a Vietnam killer? We all know nepotism got him in initially...then money ( rich adopted family?) Not to mention his pushy, bully-boy personality. Humble? Meek? Gentle? Did he enjoy the Viet kids being napalmed?? He's no more one of the elect than Donald Trump is!!!

  • pixel
    Thanks for the miss education, ttdtt
  • Diogenesister
    Label licker In our old hall, they have an anointed member who refuses to use their silver sword and uses his King James bible only. He says the org's bible is a joke. He believes you have to be born again/die in order to inherit the kingdom and still believes that Jesus died on the cross. When ever he goes out in service he makes sure he writes a letter letting the householder know all what's wrong with the religion's doctrines. Yeah, he's definitely anointed.

    I have a lot of respect for people like that. The ones who can think for themselves and are prepared to take responsibility THEMSELVES for what their conscience tells them is right or wrong. Whether a higher power has called them or whether its a constant, focused use of that part of the brain that is activated like when " the god helmet " is used ( their humanity shines through...and that, for me, makes them special enough.😀

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