Happy Thanksgiving, Worldwide Apostate Community!!!

by Nathan Natas 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thanksgiving is a holiday rooted in the concept of the harvest festival, taken from the experiences of the early Pioneers and Special Pioneers whose rugged independence laid the foundation for the USA. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November - this year it will be this Thursday, November 27th.

    In the spirit of Thaksgiving, I lift my figurative glass in a toast to the many individuals of the worldwide apostate community - a rag-tag collection of "Pioneers" and "Special Pioneers" who have turned their back on the imaginary security of an unreal Paradise and found the grit within themselves to prosper and find joy in facing the "unknown country" called REALITY.

    May this harvest season bring each of you the very best as you snuggle in, awaiting the New Year ahead and things that have never been. It's an honor to associate with each of you.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    A finer toast could never be made, NN! I agree. To all the people that have bared their souls here, to all those who have made the break, and to hope that all those who are fixin to make the break, may you have the wind at your heels...


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Well thank you and it's good to be counted among apostates.

    I hope everyone has an enjoyable a holiday as I will have.

  • Prudence
    A finer toast could never be made, NN! I agree.



  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Right on! I'm making it a point to celebrate every holiday here on out.

  • Gopher

    Hey thanks Nathan... I can't pass up this "glass of wine"... after all, this ain't the Memorial.

    So from me to you (and all others who will accept it)... here is the "antitypical" glass of wine. Clink, clink.

    Happy Turkey Day everybody.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Thankyou very much, Nathan.

    A lovely toast to be sure, Cheers!Turkey

    And a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  • HoChiMin
  • Poztate

    Ah Nathan,

    You make me feel all warm and fuzzy

  • cruzanheart

    Thank you! I agree wholeheartedly.


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