Yeah, those fit
Find the Beatles Songs in the Picture
by Simon 85 Replies latest social entertainment
The two soldiers on the merry go round. Back in the ussr
The two soldiers on the merry go round. Back in the ussr
That fits, there's also "Revolution" which has two plays on the word - it's going round plus political revolution.
How about the kid with the Walrus and his hand out as "I Want to Hold Your Hand" ?
1. I am the Walrus
2. Strawberry Fields Forever
3. The Fool on the Hill
4. Penny Lane
5. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
6. Help
7. Ticket to Ride
8. Yellow Submarine
9. Maxwells Silver Hammer
10. Hello, Goodbye
11. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
12. Her Majesty
13. Blackbird
14. Here Comes the Sun
15. Taxman
16. Octopus' Garden
17. Glass Onion
18. Baby's in Black
19. Here, There and Everywhere
20. Let it Be(e)
21. Lovely Rita
22. Birthday
23. Helter Skelter
24. Norwegian Wood
25. The Long and Winding Road
26. She's Leaving Home
27. I'm Only Sleeping
28. Eight Days a Week
29. Twist and Shout
30. Baby You're a Rich Man
31. Doctor Robert
32. Dig it
33. Fixing a Hole
34. Carry That Weight
35. Come Together
36. Piggies
37. Back in the USSR / Revolution
38. I Want to Hold Your Hand -
The little girl and the smaller boy about to enter the Strawberry Field are holding hands.
That would be a good fit for “I Want to Hold Your Hand.”
Hey bulldog. The dog is by the ticket booth