They may work but they are outside the will of God to participate in or rely upon according to the Bible. Bishop Pike found that out but it was too late for him and his wife.
JW Publishers Please Let Your Articles Be Based on Facts not Opinion
by Daniel tells the Naked Truth 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is no science associated with Astrology period.
Astrology was developed when people thought that the universe revolved around the earth.
The constellations today rise at different times of the year than they did centuries ago, when the present astrological charts were finalized. What's the point of believing in a horoscope when the time line is off as much as 30 days?
It's just another flat earth concept with no value.
To tell you the truth I'd put more trust in a fortune cookie .............. even the stale ones.
The stale ones work best.
The heavens declare the glory of God.
Story in the Stars:
I don’t know why I am bothering to reply to this but… The o/p said
“ This article implies that astrology, fortune telling, divination and fortune telling as being all wrong and all. Fact is astrology is as real as anything, ”
Being real , as in a concept followed by a lot of people, does not make it right. The Bible forbade it to Israel and it had no part of early Christianity.
The scriptural examples he gave are all of bad experiences by unbelievers. It was a real thing in antiquity too and Gods people had to shun it.