When we post, we pretty much express who we are, at least in cyberspace. . But every once in a while, we might get out of character. We might express ourselves in a way that we don't typically. Do you find that when you're in a very good mood at home or at work, that this shows up in your posts, whereas, if you're feeling depressed or upset, that feeling shows on board? I've heard how some personalities seem quite nasty at times here, but over the phone or in person, the individual is as sweet and docile as a puppy!......Does "real life" shine thru when you post???
If You're Having A "Bad Day", Does It Show Up When You Post???
by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends
I think there are times it does for me. If I have been upset about something I might even post about it. I don't think if I am angry about something that my posts are angry however. I don't take it out on other people.
Minimus.....I just woke up and saw this thread and wondered why in the hell you started this lame-ass thread anyways.......are you nuts? Boy do you irritate me and make my skin crawl sometimes.
Hey.....is this what you mean?
Yes......my post many times reflect my moods.....if they are severe enough. I've been known to edit a time or two.
( How come I like teasing the minimeister so much?)
It tends to be a spastic colon.
***** Rub a Dub
So when were you in a bad mood? When you attacked a certain poster per their sexuality when some other issue was on the table? YOu should be doing a different thread, like a thread of an almighty apology if you have any sense of decency than blaming a bad mood and praising some voice on the phone. It's called taking responsibilities; that's what's typical of decent people.
on these threads it is easy to forget that other people are real and have feelings that can be hurt.
Sometimes I've raged and ranted and then repented.
My bad days are either extremely manic - in which case I will write and write a response on a "How are you today?" thread, or severely depressed - in which case you probably won't hear from me at all.
So sometimes I go way overboard, then read what I 've written and have to apologize.
Actually, I've been in a very good mood as of late! Regarding my comment that some may have taken out of context, I never attacked anyone because of their sexuality. If you read the thread in its entirety, you would've seen that. My view toward anyone's sexuality is plain and simple. If a person is gay, they are gay. If they're hetero, they are hetero. I do not make a judgment against any individual because of their color or sexual identification. Some time ago, I posted a thread regarding how you'd feel if you found out your child was gay. If you look at thread, you will see that I would love my child in the same way whether or not they were straight or gay. When a person twists the context of a statement without viewing the history of the other comments, they are doing a grave injustice. Perhaps, someone else was having a bad day, huh?
This may come across as really "sappy" but when I am having a bad day, I will come to this board to feel better. Reading and posting improves my mood.
I told you it might be sappy.
If that's you in a good mood, woe betide your bad mood. Now, you should be doing some stuff at Writing, Bethel; what's the 'some' about... some may have taken you out of context, eh? It was sth like justice that your comment was deleted; and viewed through the lens of your deleted post, your explanation of your view towards anyone's sexuality is meaningless; it's easier to explain yourself here, while an acknowledgement of wrong would've simply been in order, no? Your rehash of recent posting is also meaningless. Recall your deleted comment and tell yourself you did right; between that thread and this, who's twisting contexts and doing grave injustice? Gozz
Big Tex
I fight depression a lot, most of the time it's all right but I will have days when the shadows of my past come back to haunt me. I've learned how to cope with it, I'll probably be fighting it the rest of my life, but yeah there have been posts I've made when the darkness is swallowing me and I'm feeling very sad.
The only post I've made in anger that I would take back (at least that my poor mind can think of right now) was one to Farkel when he attacked Jennie. I do regret that as I feel it was childish on my part. It would have been better to have handled it off the board instead of throwing a temper tantrum. Not my best moment.