Bible Teach Book points the finger at JW's themselves!

by The Fall Guy 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    One of my all-time favourite illustrations:

    Bible Teach, chap. 16 p. 154 pars. 1,2, & 12 Take Your Stand for True Worship

    1 Suppose you found out that your whole neighborhood has been contaminated. Someone has secretly been dumping poisonous waste in the area, and now the situation is life threatening. What would you do? No doubt, you would move away if you could. But after doing that, you would still face this serious question, ‘Have I been poisoned?’

    2 A similar situation arises with regard to false religion. The Bible teaches that such worship is contaminated with unclean teachings........

    12 Suppose you saw a piece of candy lying in the gutter. Would you pick up that candy and eat it? Of course not! That candy is unclean......To take a stand for true worship, we need to have a viewpoint like that of the prophet Isaiah, who told true worshippers: “Touch nothing unclean!”—Isaiah 52:11.

    I will gladly provide any lurkers with various pieces of literature based "unclean candy" via PM if they wish to see if they have been "poisoned".

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes indeed.

    If just 1% of deadly poison in a glass of water makes it dangerous, no amount of reasoning about the 99% of water will make it safe!

  • stuckinarut2

    And Revelation says "Get out from amongst her-quit touching the unclean thing"

    That applies to the "unclean things" that contaminate the "Truth"

  • MrRoboto

    And you can find an example in the same book. I forget exactly where it which scripture is referencing but the section that talks about the one who has died being awaited from his sin... If you look at the context of the verse, it's clearly a figurative use, dying to the world (so to speak) and living for Christ.

    Then there's the insane reasoning on blood, also in the same book - turning instruction that was given for the sake of not stumbling Jews into a law for all Christians for all time.

    I'll stop with those 2 as its enough poison to recognize the danger.

  • pale.emperor

    I always used the example of the student in class in the Bible Teach book.

    The teacher proposes something as fact, an unruly student raises his hand and claims he knows better. The wise teacher allows the student to get up and show the class - so that he can be proven wrong in front of everybody. If he expelled the student the class might thing the teacher had something to hide.

    Isnt this exactly the same as disfellowshipping and the banning of talking to apostates?

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Mr. Roboto, this is what you're thinking of -

    bh p. 214 par. 3 Judgment Day—What Is It?

    "Are these scrolls the record of people’s past deeds? No, the judgment will not focus on what people did before they died. How do we know that? The Bible says: “The one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.” (Romans 6:7) Those resurrected thus come to life with a clean slate, so to speak."

    So, people like Jack the Ripper who evaded capture & justice (and probably died of old age) have no need of the "ransom sacrifice," because their own death cleansed all their sins! Excellent dogma WTBTS!

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @stuckinarut2: "...just 1% of deadly poison in a glass of water makes it dangerous".

    The problem with Jehovah's Witnesses is, they never started off in a clear glass of water. They've been swimming around in the murky fluids of a cesspool since 1884. Henceforth, any proceeding drops of poison go by completely unnoticed. Vision clouded, members blindly drift along in that deleterious solvent known as the Watchtower.

    @pale.emperor Exactly right. By their own illustration, Jehovah's Witnesses should eagerly hand the chalk over to us rebels, allowing us to prove what bumbling errors we've been exalting. The double standard of silencing apostates is firmly in place for one reason only:

    "If it can be destroyed by the truth, it DESERVES to be destroyed by the truth." - Carl Sagan

    The Watchtower leadership knows full well that the truthful information we possess is ultimately what can destroy such a poorly constructed religious ideology.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    When you stop and consider the the reasons for using these illustrations, it is purely to put the wind up JWs who might start thinking for themselves. The Watchtower want zombies who are kept subservient through guilt and fear.

    However, if a JW did give some thought to it. . .

    1/JW org says that all other religions contaminate true worship. Is it not easy to spot that the illustration and its language is a crude fear mongering ploy to stop witnesses thinking and mixing with non JWs?

    2/ With a bit of reasoning on provable fundamentals (which JWs are discouraged from at all costs) then it becomes apparent that "true religion" like its bedfellow "true worship" are baseless constructs employed by the JW org to frame the religious vision for their members. In the real world they do not exist! And who says humans need to worship anything ever? Only religious cults.

    Worship is not precious, its an appalling waste of valuable time and it is JW org who contaminates people's minds not other religions.

  • Atlantis

    The Watchtower even admits their "poisoned" understanding of the Scriptures.

    "Furthermore, the remnant of spiritual Israel had for decades .. been looking forward to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles in the autumn of 1914. They were expecting God's Messianic Kingdom to be fully established in the heavens by then and also for the remnant of spiritual Israel to be glorified with Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom at that time. All understanding of the Holy Scriptures was slanted in that direction or adjusted to that idea."

    {Man's Salvation Out Of World Distress At Hand, 1974, pg. 136}


  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Thanks, ATLANTIS - LOL!!!

    I just looked at that publication, and on page 5, Title Page/Publishers’ Page, it says this -

    "NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible quotations and references are according to the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, the revised edition of 1971 C.E."

    So in reality, the JW's present Bible should be called The Revised, Revised, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

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