Do any of you know anything about prescription medications and their reactions?
The doctors cannot explain why but I react to everything they prescribe to the point that now all my doctors are attempting neutral remedies before medication. Tomorrow I am having surgery to drill a hole in my head to put in a titanium rod and we are doing local instead of general simply because it lessens the amount of needed drugs. The last 2 times I had general anesthesia I ended up in ICU because the drugs messed so bad with my BP it took 2 days to recover and bring it back up to normal. Oh yeah LOL, I reacted to the drugs that they used to bring it up.
My complaint is everyone else goes to the doctor says this is what is wrong with me. Doctor writes prescription within a couple of days they fell better. NOT me here are my results I either end up in the ER or I feel 10X worse then before the doctors appointment.
I have asked numerous doctors isn't there a test they can run to see what I can and cannot take. No. One doctor did off handedly say maybe you are missing an enzyme. So is there a test? Got no reply. There has to be some way to find out besides trial and error. As the lady taking the intake for my procedure said you do not have the minor reactions, you get the major reactions to these drugs.
When I was 62 I found out my dad was not my biological father, ancestry (com) in less then a month found my biological dad through DNA.
Please keep in mind my BRAIN is wired for Math and Arts -- I do not get any of these sciences, nada none. My kids have finally learned mom does get science or electronic. Please make your answers easy no science terms please. Thank you.