info on why JWs can't go into other churches

by banco6 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tech49

    OTWO, I concur wholeheartedly!

    Recently, my wife and I went to her half-brother's wedding, held in a cute little country church. Just a few short years ago, this would NOT have even been a subject that would even been entertained! Even I was a little nervous about it, and caught myself thinking "what if someone sees us??"

    Still, she was super nervous about it (being a den of SATAN and all)......, but she wanted to go to support him more than she was nervous! She took the bull by the horns, and made the decision to just do it, and to not tell any of her "judgey" congregation friends about it.

    She thought it was beautiful, and didnt doubt herself one bit after that. It truly was very country and cute, the pastor was very respectful and kind, the service was short, simple, and perfectly appropriate. No propaganda speech, no "wife has her period" know what I'm talking about!

    We kept it on the downlow.... no social media pics, the usual. No one has to know what you do on your own time!

    Like I always say... dont give anyone more power than they deserve.

  • dogisgod

    no belief has any power unless you give it to them.

  • Chook

    The real reason is they don't want to share your contributions with any other church. They will put a religious spin saying the words pagan idols yet the real reason is all about control, just like a real narcissist.

  • Chook

    Banco6 I forgot to ask how come it took 14 years for your first post?

  • ToesUp

    I must have been such a mediocre JW, I had zero problem entering a church for a wedding or funeral. They sold our Kingdom Hall to a church. I figured if they could do that, then I had no problem walking in one. You talk about hypocrisy. WT sells our hall to a church but I can't enter one to support a loved one? Really? It's amazing how it only flows one way....WATCHTOWERS WAY!!!!

  • carla

    Not to get off track but Tech49 said, "no "wife has her period" scriptures" -what the heck? really? that is talked about in a jw wedding ceremony?!

    Back to the subject at hand, my jw goes to funerals in churches. Though it does seem that at times he has not gotten the official jw memo on things so who knows...... he was not a born in so maybe that has something to do with it?

  • Tech49


    Yes, there is a section in the WT approved marriage talk outline (the only one they want you to use) that discusses how to treat your wife during ¨that time of the month¨. Its embarrassing. I have given the talk a few times, and skipped right over that part. Its childish and ridiculous.

  • BluesBrother

    You can enter a church building as JW. I have had a conducted tour of a cathedral on a foreign convention trip , arranged by the official convention tours....Yes , really..

    They are free to attend weddings and funerals.....BUT if they sing the hymns or bow their heads and say 'amen' to a prayer.....that is the dreaded apostasy!

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