Watchtower : 1917's Finished Mystery : " A powerful commentary"

by AwakenedAndFree 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    A powerful commentary..exciting new truths BUT never a word on the real contents which would have any thinking person(and also those half brain dead) rolling on the floor with laughter.

    Millions now living...likewise..They have quit yapping about this so much ever since that darn old generation(you know 1914 and all)passed away.Now I think they would just like it to fade out of memory like all the other TRASH taught as truth.

  • VM44

    Get "The Finished Mystery" here:

    Note the scripture on the title page! The famous scripture about new light!


  • Leolaia

    The Revelation: It's Great Climax at Hand book was one "wacky" book. In fact, that's what me and a friend called it when it first came out, "that wacky book". I especially couldn't get over how in one of its first pages, it has a picture of a scholar poring over the text and mentioned the care involved in biblical interpretation, and then the book launches forth into the most arbitrary, incredulous interpretations imaginable. It is interesting to see the Finished Mystery book alongside the Climax book ... in 70-odd years the Society had replaced one wacky set of interpretations with another. At least it has better art, disturbing tho it is.... s c a r y ....


  • Leolaia

    Some of my favorite moments of comedy from the Finished Mystery book:

    By the space of a thousand and [six] TWO hundred furlongs.? This can not be interpreted to refer to the 2100 mile battle line of the world war. A furlong or stadium is not a mile and this is without the city whereas the battle line is within the city. See Rotherham's translation. A stadium is 606 3/4 English ft; 1200 stadii are, mi., 137.9. The work on this volume was done in Scranton, Pa. As fast as it was completed it was sent to the Bethel. Half of the work was done at an average distance of 5 blocks from the Lackawanna station, and the other half at a distance of 25 blocks. Blocks in Scranton are 10 to the mile. Hence the average distance to the station is 15 blocks, or 1.5 mi. The mileage from Scranton to Hoboken Terminal is shown in time tables as 143.8 and this is the mileage charged to passengers, but in 1911, at an expense of $12,000,000, the Lackawanna Railroad completed its famous cutoff, saving 11 miles of the distance. From the day the cut-off was completed the trainmen have been allowed 11 miles less than the time table shows, or a net distance of 132.8 miles. Hoboken Ferry to Barclay Street Ferry, New York is 2.0 miles. Barclay Street Ferry to Fulton Ferry, New York, is 4,800 feet or 0.9 mile. Fulton Ferry, New York, to Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn, is 2,000 feet or 0.4 mile. Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn, to Bethel, is 1,485 feet or 0.3 mile. Shortest distance from place where the winepress was trodden by the Feet Members of the Lord, Whose guidance and help alone made this volume possible. (John 6:60, 61; Matt. 20:11.)

    Job also describes the steam engine? stationary, railway and marine.

    The following is a corrected translation of Job 40:15 to 41:34, with comments thereon from the pen of one of Pastor Russell's followers: "Behold now one with great heat [the stationary steam engine], which I have made to be with thee; he will consume fodder [peat, wood, coal] as do cattle. Behold now his strength is in his loins [boiler plates], and his power is within the parts bent in a circle [boiler shell] of his belly. His tail [smoke stack?opposite the feeding end] will set upright like a cedar; the couplings of his leaping parts [connecting rods, pitmans] will be clamped together. His bones are tubes of copper; his solid bones [grate bars] are as hammered-out bars of iron. He is the greatest of the ways of power. He that made him [the Lord] can make His sword [Word] to approach unto [reveal] him. [Isa. 26:20, 21.) He shall rest under thin shelter [steam jackets] within a covering of fibrous reeds [jute] and clay [mortar]. The willows of the valley [the trees overhead] will enclose him around about. Behold [as a pumping engine] he will drink up an overflowing river without much exertion; he will cause the people to trust [that their cellars will keep dry], though a Jordan should rush forth over its border. He will gather it up in his fountains by means of traps and with a perforated nozzle.

    "Thou wilt lengthen out leviathan [the locomotive] with a hook [automatic coupler] or with a snare [coupling-pin] which thou wilt cause his tongue [coupling-link] to drop down. Wilt thou not place a ring [piston] in his nostrils [cylinders] or pierce through his cheeks [pistonends] with a staff [piston-rod]? Will be make repeated supplication unto thee [to get off the track]? Or will he utter soft tones unto thee [when he screeches with the whistle]? Will he make a covenant with thee, that thou mayest take him for a servant forever [without repairs]? Wilt thou play with him as with a bird [make him whistle at will]? Or wilt thou bind [enslave] him for thy maidens [so that you can take them to a picnic or convention]? Companies [of stockholders] will feast upon him [his earnings]; they will share him among speculators. [Psa. 74:14.] Thou wilt fill his skin with pointed irons [bolts], and his head with a cabin of fishermen [a cab similar to the cabins on fishing vessels]. Place thy hand upon him, be mindful of the conflict [raging within the boiler] and thou wilt add no further questions. Behold, his confidence [boiler] being deceived [not properly supplied with water], shall not at once his mighty form be spread asunder [by an explosion]? There is none so bold that he will stir him up [to run at his very highest possible speed], and none who will then place himself before him [to be run over]. Who will compete with this one and endure [pass him on the track]? Under the whole heaven, none, unless [one like] himself.



  • badboy

    It was the book that said the LEVIATHAN/BEHEMOTH WAS THE STEAM ENGINE

  • RunningMan

    Exjwpaul: I would love to see that reference. Here is a link to the text of the book. Let us know if you can locate it:

  • badboy

    actually I am not a exjw

  • badboy

    It is in the post by leolaia about the leviathan

  • minimus

    I re-read that book earlier this year. It has to be the silliest book ever written by Watchtower.....Perhaps Russell's "piles" were in fulfillment of the "trumpet blasts" or the "7 bowls of anger" or "Satan being bound or loose".......On page 383 of the book it states about Russell, "The forehead is symbolic of wisdom. A man of high forehead, as was Pastor Russell, is of a high type of intellect."

  • shotgun

    Didn't you notice the part that remarked how remarkable he was considering he had been struck in the head as a child and suffered from headaches daily and sometimes went three days without sleep.

    I could understand it if, when he went days without sleep he was trying to beat a video game.... but no he was just crazy.

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