Fred Frantz may of been looked up to like Moses in his glorious days with all his teachings.
Today, he sounds more like Mickey Mouse. A young person walking around dressed in a fake costume, pretending he is real to all gullible young children.
by Vanderhoven7 17 Replies latest social humour
Fred Frantz may of been looked up to like Moses in his glorious days with all his teachings.
Today, he sounds more like Mickey Mouse. A young person walking around dressed in a fake costume, pretending he is real to all gullible young children.
Earnest did you listen to the speech? I'm talking about the above speech! He claimed to those in the stadium he had gained a place to study at Oxford university.
He's lying.
To actually apply for the Rhodes scholarship itself you don't actually take examinations, but submit a statement (or essay). Now your state may require you to take exams in order for them to choose their candidate/s, but that just means he was at several points of remove to even apply for the scholarship!!
We actually have a statement from the Rhodes society itself stating he is not on their list of successful candidates.
DropoffyourkeyLee Franz's statements about this were always ambiguous enough to leave a lot of questions. I only half believe what he said on the subject.
Yes I tend to think when he said he'd been "chosen" for the scholarship, he actually meant his school had chosen him to compete in state exams, maybe?? Certainly the Rhodes Scholarship society had never heard of him.Ambiguous to the point of being misleading....
The reason why these men's bible teachings were false was because they were frauds posing as something unique and special, " God's solemnly chosen ones ", they were really just corrupt lying religoius charlatans running the Watchtower Corporation..
Perpetrators of Bullshit wrapped up in their version of righteousness.
Diogenesister : Earnest did you listen to the speech? I'm talking about the above speech! He claimed to those in the stadium he had gained a place to study at Oxford university.
This is what Fred Franz said in "the above speech" :
At any rate I was scheduled to go to Oxford college. Well, now, this was 1914 and ... we were expecting the end of the Gentile times, the appointed times of the nations to take place in the fall of the year of 1914. And here I was attending [Cincinnati] university and with further study at Oxford college university. For what?
This is what Fred Franz said in the Watchtower account of his life :
A high point in my academic life was when Dr. Lyon, the [Cincinnati] university’s president, announced to an assembly of students in the auditorium that I had been chosen to go to Ohio State University to take competitive examinations with others to win the prize of the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship, qualifying me for admission to Oxford University in England. One of the contestants outranked me with regard to field athletics, but because of my comparable grades, they wanted to send me, along with him, to Oxford University. I appreciated that I had measured up to the requirements for gaining the scholarship, and, normally, this would have been very gratifying.
I have never regretted that, shortly before the announcements by the educational authorities regarding the outcome of the examinations for the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship, I wrote a letter [in 1914] to the authorities and advised them that I had lost interest in the Oxford University scholarship and that they should drop me from the list of contestants. This I did even though my professor in Greek at the university, Dr. Joseph Harry, informed me that I had been chosen to receive it.
What I understand from this is that at that time top students were selected by their respective universities to write examinations to determine who qualified for a Rhodes Scholarship. Fred Franz was selected by Cincinnati University to write the examinations which were being conducted at Ohio State University. He was subsequently told by his professor (Dr Joseph Harry of Cincinnati University) that he and another student had been chosen for the scholarship. Before the award took place he considered that the end of the Gentile times would occur in the Fall of the same year and wrote a letter to the authorities asking them to drop him from the list of contestants.
Considering that Franz only heard about the Bible Students in 1913 and was baptised on April 5, 1914 it seems that between the time of his writing the examinations and being told he had been chosen as a Rhodes Scholar, Franz came to understand the end of the Gentile times was in the Fall of 1914. Of course he saw no point in further study
Diogenesister : We actually have a statement from the Rhodes society itself stating he is not on their list of successful candidates.
He never was. Even though it was intended to award a Rhodes scholarship to him it never happened. That does not make it a lie to say he qualified for it but did not take it up.
He may have gotten close to gaining a Rhodes scholarship but never achieved it . Big deal.
In this talk he was on a self boasting trip trying to justify himself as being an acknowledged academically trained bible scholar .
He wasn't
He was a part of a group men who were at the top of the WTS. who together set about to sell and promote the literature they published.
In the end It was all an act of corrupt charlatanism that is still lingering on in the new technically updated JWorg.
I found this picture of Fred Franz messing with peoples' heads in the infirmary at Bethel circa 1968. This new convert is about to get his thinking adjusted.
Franz was mentally unhinged.