Religious fanaticism is a great breeding ground for pettiness

by Waymores Ghost 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    Having been raised as a dub, as I look back to those days, I can't count the number of times issues were raised by the pettiest of things. Buying a vehicle that was anything but a foor-door sedan - you know, the kind most suitable for service - could in fact start a whirl-wind of gossip - He's not putting "Kingdom" interests first...they don't need another car - if they're that well off then they should be helping out a little more with our Kingdom Hall's expenses etc.

    What are some of the most pettiest issues you have seen raised while you were a dub?


  • Gopher


    Welcome to our discussion board!!

    One of the petty things (among many) is the use of certain words. You couldn't say "luck" or "lucky", otherwise your fellow J-dubs might think you actually believed in the "God of Luck".

    Some of them said "fortunate" instead of "lucky", as if that made a big difference.

  • starfish422

    Gosh, yes, I remember both of those things. Somehow, though, it seemed to me that it was the young women buying 2-doors that got more dirty looks than the young men.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Welcome WG

    Good question...let's see.

    Back in the 70's, fringe was highly frowned upon. You know like leather cowboy type coats, with long fringe on the sleeves? (I always wanted one of those too)LOL

    Women with long hair....were looked down on (too pentecostal looking)

    Red nail polish

    ANY rock music

    And a very big thing was (believe it or not), where one sat during meetings. Families we were counseled, were to sit together.

    Also, many took great interest in who went to the bathroom during songs. (can we not show respect to jehovah by using the facilities before or after)? LOL

    I bring your post back to the top, as I am sure many want to respond and welcome you!

    Edited to add: I also remember when vhs and laser disk movies first came out. A family from our congregation opened the first video rental store in our county. They were "marked" for their efforts. The gossip was, "there are x-rated movies on video tape, therefore all vhs is evil".

    The family left soon after.....isn't that pathetic?

  • Mysterious

    Well I always wanted a pair of camo pants, even the arctic blue that doesnt look realistic. I was always told it was too "military" and therefore not Christian.

    I want to get my ear cartilage pierced but that's strongly frowned upon as well here.

    When I was a little kid I used to play with water guns, after a magazine article on toys (it had a girl sitting on a chair playing with a doll and a boy with a replica gun water pistol) mom took my realistic (they were organge, green, blue, and yellow for goodness sake!) water pistols away.

  • ballistic

    Well I was "taken aside" for drinking 5 pints! What do you think to that!!!

  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost


    Haha...we were lucky our elders never caught us during "field service" heheif there's anyone here from the Wingham Ont. cong. the term "gravel run" give you a hint what some of us boys were up to.


  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    Hi Mysterious,

    I was bummed out we counldn't play cowboys and indians with my cousins who could because their dad wasn't a dub so their mom let them...

    Other petty things:

    hushed whispers going around the KH after the service meeting because someone bought a colour tv (this was in the early 60's when that was considered an unnecessary luxury) especially when they already had a perfectly good b&w and many in the cong. didn't even have one at all

    and as I said in the chat the other day, I observed my mom and aunt in a big dillemna over whether or not they should give the cat a freshly trapped mouse because the cat did not kill it, and thus it was being fed to the cat without being properly bled...


  • Waymores Ghost
    Waymores Ghost

    Hi little witch,

    My mom scratched out "Wichy Woman" on my favorite Eagles album...that really choked me because it had the greatest twin lead guitars on that song...


  • little witch
    little witch

    OK, Mysterious. Now you need counseled. It is all fun and games til someone loses an eye!!! (you just had to push it too far, didn't you) Lol

    Colored water shooters indeed...Hmmpfff.

    Ballistic, I am ashamed....after five pints, you should have been more careful. Had you not pissed on the families latest issue of the watchtower, you wouldnt have been caught!!

    Oh, great...Now my kids are staring at me, wondering why the hell I am laughing and wiping tears...Oh the humanity!!!

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