Why in the hell would we (men) have one less rib...Help me folks the Adam and Eve story has screwed up my thinking..
Ok I feel like a dumb ass. Men have one less rib than women..
by James Mixon 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
My Name is of No Consequence
Here's why. We love ribs!!
James Mixon
Maybe that's what happen, Adam and Eve were having a cook out and Adam gave Eve his last rib.
Er... no... men and women have the same number of ribs.
My Name is of No Consequence
Haha James Mixon! I'm just having fun. Nothing seems to make sense anymore with what we were taught. I feel foolish for believing even some of it.
James Mixon
But we did believe in a talking ass and snake.
My Name is of No Consequence
Only one in every few hundred people have an extra rib. These are called cervical ribs, because they arise from one of the spinal bones in the neck.
James Mixon
The true story..Professor Ziony Zevit's of Biblical Literature and northwest Semitic languages at the American Jew's university in Calif..Eve was not created from Adam's rib but from his penis bone..Ok sound good to me....
Half banana
Apes do have penis bones but not humans.........was Adam a gorilla?
James Mixon
Half banana: we are rewriting the creation story,lol.. Professor Zevit believe so, human or man and boner.