I haven't been posting here much lately, I think I only created one topic in 2018! But this is worth it.
I am a grandfather 😊
I know, I know. It happens all the time but damn, it feels good. I'm not really able to share photos or names but she's healthy and beautiful and both I and Mrs Nic' absolutely fell in love with her.
Of all the ups and downs her future will bring, she will at least not face the cultic upbringing so many of us were saddled with. My boy was about 12 when I took my kids out of meetings and he's done great in the nearly 20 years since. He'll be a great Dad.
I don't want to make this about Watchtower, I'm just so happy to have this little girl in my life. But yes, there's a little part of me with a smirking grin on my face sticking two fingers up at the cult.
"Fuck you. My family are free and happy!"