The latest WT celebrates the 100th anniversary of 1920 with an article about what happened that year:
On March 21, 1920, Joseph F. Ruther-
ford . . . spoke on the subject
“Millions Now Living Will Never Die.” The Bi-
ble Students left no stone unturned in their
quest to invite interested ones to this event.
They rented one of the largest theaters in
New York City and distributed some 320,-
000 invitations.
The public responded beyond all expecta-
tions. An audience of over 5,000 filled the
theater to capacity, and as many as 7,000
had to be turned away. The Watch Tower
called it “one of the most successful meet-
ings ever held by International Bible Stu-
The Bible Students became well-known
for proclaiming that “millions now living will
never die.” At the time, they did not under-
stand that the Kingdom message had to be
proclaimed more extensively. Still, their zeal
was remarkable. Ida Olmstead, who began
attending meetings in 1902, recalled, “We
knew that for all mankind great blessings
were in store, and we never failed to tell this
good news to those we met in the ministry.”
. . .
As 1920 drew to a close, the Bible
Students had much to be happy about.
As we know, the whole point of the Millions talk and booklet was to proclaim 1925.