Your opinion is watchtower extremist?

by poopie 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • OrphanCrow
    pbrow: What good is society if it should not be burdened to protect its children

    And what good is religion if it should not be burdened to protect its children?

    And why should the rest of society be burdened with the task of fighting against the barbaric practice of child sacrifice? For the past 60 years and more? Why? When way back in 1959, the courts ruled that the parents refusing blood was in violation of a SCOTUS ruling? And that was played out over and over again over the years?

    Why? Why do parents still refuse blood for children when it is clearly in direct violation of the law? It always has been but has the WTS adjusted their teaching? To allow parents to follow the law and to protect children - like the rest of the world does? Like they have been told to, time and time and time and time again by the courts of the land?

    No. The WTS refuses to comply with the law. They still tell JW parents to say no to blood for their children. And doctors and hospitals still have to be the ones to take moral responsibility for JW babies.

    A burden for society? Yes. A costly and unnecessary burden. One that has not always worked and has left lots of dead children and babies in the destructive wake of an old pagan practice of sacrificing children for your own salvation.

  • Giordano

    Yes, they are an extreme 19th century religion founded on the nonsense of that era. If you lurkers want proof of that....... Google Charles Russell's grave they say one picture is worth 1000 explanations.

    They equate obedience with faith. In fact.......... obedience trumps faith.

    They equate their corporate internal structure with their religious views. So grooming issue's and proceedures abound.

    They share nothing with the communities they live in nor for their own church community especially the young and elderly. Since their beliefs are delusional they appeal to those who are also delusional.

    They believe in a god..... Jehovah........ who has a made up name. They have made this god their own back yard god who they think watch's over each and every JW on the planet.

    Their backyard god is not much of a watch dog as the JW's share totally in human misery, wars and sickness, divorce and poor education.

    As far as Jesus goes he sits well down in their pecking order. They neither pray to Jesus nor respect his teachings....nor are they a witness for Jesus. They are Jehovah's Witnesses not Jesus's.

    This religion is especially comfortable with child abusers, wife beaters, corporate deceit and reckless teachings.

    Their new 'lite' is just that.......... made up and deceitful.

    Their hope is that just about all 7 & 1/2 Billion people will die horrible deaths so they.......... the surviving JW's can help build a paradise earth over the bones of the destroyed.

    A successful JW must embrace rational ignorance, obedience first and foremost and read only the scriptures that are cited in the JW publications. The circle reasoning you will find in their publications helps a believer to clear their minds from needless distractions.

  • BluesBrother

    Dictionaries often relate it to political views and being willing to take violent action to achieve the goals . It has well been said that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. In the Russian case , the Bolsheviks who overthrew the Tsar were considered extremists but they are heroes in Russia.

    What about JW's? When one is brought up in it , it is the most natural thing in the world. ...To outsiders it looks extreme. Nowadays I reject totally their stand on blood transfusions and the slaughter of unbelievers at Armageddon. It is unreasonable, yes , extreme.

    Would I ban the movement? No. Banning only gives it cache as exciting and underground. It will grow more . Better to counter the arguments, show them to be as silly and unreasonable as they really are.

  • Gayle

    Any organization, political, religious or other, that puts 'in print,' and verbalizes that their members should 'obey' any leadership, even if it may not make sense to their members, is frighteningly EXTREMIST!!!

  • OrphanCrow
    Gayle: Any organization, political, religious or other, that puts 'in print,' and verbalizes that their members should 'obey' any leadership, even if it may not make sense to their members, is frighteningly EXTREMIST!!!

    Absolutely. Take that directive out of the context of what we have been to conditioned to think of as "religion" and it becomes something different than merely "belief in a god".

    Here is my hint of the day: Be very careful how you describe your past affiliation with a global, networked organization (if you are trying to avoid the words cult, religion, god...and the best you can come up with is all the 'old' 60s language of 'not a religion!'), and especially, if the person you are saying this to..."global networked organization"...happens to be a police officer.

    Watch the reaction of that nice police officer...and then run at the first opportunity - the minute he leaves the room to "get somebody else"....once you say it was a religious network....

  • pbrow

    Orphan... I agree 100%.... What good is religion?

    "And why should the rest of society be burdened with task of fighting against the barbaric practice of child sacrifice?"

    I hope that I will always live in a society that is not only burdened with the task of fighting against barbaric practices against children but will never rest in that fight. Can you think of anything more important then fighting against these practices??

    Why do parents still refuse to provide these blood treatments?? Because they value belief and obedience to their god more then their own children's lives. The dubs have indeed adjusted their teaching... not because they thought it was the moral thing to do but kicking and screaming because we have a vigilant society that is burdened with protecting our children.

    At the end of the day, these are personal beliefs. Fucked up, short sighted personal beliefs. Fucked up, short sighted personal beliefs must be allowed in a free and open society.

    If a parent refuses treatment, grabs the kid and runs from he hospital or does not take the kid to the hospital in the first place then he has broken the law and needs to be punished.

    It is in fact a costly burden but one that is of vital importance.

    Human progress is sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowww.


  • TD


    It is absolutely not a myth. I realize it is anecdotal but that is exactly what was going to happen in my case.

    The "myth" is that there is always time for a court order. I would agree that there are many transfusion scenarios where that is the case, but certainly not all.

    You can bleed to death from a broken femur (compound fracture) in just a few minutes. And a JW girl in California actually did. --Fell off her skateboard and died from the blood loss. That's not something that typically happens to "worldly" children.

    The problem in cases like this is that while simple plasma expanders stabilize blood pressure and prevent vascular collapse, they don't carry oxygen. As such, they are only a temporary solution in cases of severe blood loss.

  • flipper

    PBROW- You really are not informed at all I guess.

    Your statement regarding JW's, " When their beliefs turn into actions that harm other people they will be held accountable in our justice system . "

    That's a false statement on your part. The WT Society and even individual JW parents 99 % of the time are NOT held accountable for letting their children die from not getting blood transfusions. And regarding JW child abuse- it's ridiculous - most of the time WT appointed elders don't go to the police authorities to report the child molester. Most of the time it's handled " in-house " to avoid unpleasant media coverage in the normal, outside world.

    If you read the Internet more you will read many, many stories of bloodguilt on the part of WT leaders NOT protecting their children OR their congregations members. They are constantly controlling them and throwing them under the bus. There is no excuse for it whatsoever

  • OrphanCrow
    TD: The "myth" is that there is always time for a court order. I would agree that there are many transfusion scenarios where that is the case, but certainly not all.

    You are right. Absolutely not all.

    All you have to do is go to google scholar and type in "pediatric Jehovah's Witness no blood transfusion" and you will find out that LOTS of JW children undergo procedures without the use of blood. Instead, they are subjected to "alternative" procedures - sometimes quite ghastly ones.

    The WTS has actively pursued that pediatric population - ever since back in the early 70's when "interested JWs" published their first volume of "Alternative Procedures" - directed at pediatric care of JW children.

    Do all JW children get blood if they need it? Of course they don't. Especially if the "smart"/spiritual/rich JWs take them to "bloodless" centers where the "cooperative doctors" that have been recruited by the WT's HLC squad practice their brand of medicine. Those children will never get an opportunity for the court to intervene. The doctors will never apply for an order - neither them or the rest of the JW nursing staff and bloodless coordinators (usually JWs) that swell the ranks of those kind of medical treatment centers.

  • sparrowdown

    Yes WT is extremist.

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