When JWs call...

by Mysterious 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    ..what do you do? Living with a dub mother has our house exempt right now. But trust me she preaches enough.

    Anyone know if they manage to work their way in to calling on dorm residences, I want to have my copy of "how to identify a cult handy".

  • Gretchen956

    Do they still go door to door? I'm asking because in the last four years I have not had one call, not so much as a phamphlet in the door. I remember when we all heard that they would keep on preaching until Armeggedon. Did I miss it?


  • Mysterious

    Oh don't worry Gretchen they still preach door to door. The bane of my existense and the ruination of my Saturday mornings.

  • Scully

    They called on me this morning.

    It was 2 "sisters" that used to be very close friends with me.

    I was mentally prepared for dealing with elders.... but instead, they send women who'd been close friends, we'd all been pregnant at the same time... it was dreadful, the way they kept pulling at my heartstrings.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Not one call in the past 3 years since the DAing. Not even from elders.

    Maybe they know better?

  • Poztate

    I would say I was sorry but my religion told me not to question what I believe and that if I did have any questions I was to use only information provided by my religion to research.

    Naturally this would be poo...pooed by them as a wrong way to investigate your faith.

    I would then reply But it has to be true.After all doesn't you religion teach you not to investigate your self.


  • JamesThomas

    I posted a similar question just a while back: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/61170/1.ashx

    My hopes are to find the ways which would be most fruitful in motivating a Witness to question their beliefs.

    I know the way is through kindness and understanding, but more specific than that I am still researching.


  • copsec

    I have been fortunate to not have any come to my door in at least 2 years. And when they did then I did what most people do....I didm't answer the door!

  • CountryGuy

    I've had one WT and one tract about Jesus (or something) left on my door in the past eight years... But, I did get 'cornered' by a brother and a new elder in the cong. outside of Wal-Mart.

  • fran

    After i resigned they kept calling on me,sending different ones,giving me books/tracts/WT I asked several times politely no more visits,.......more visits.then i wrote to them...............more visits...................this went on for some time,they ignored my requests.The last pioneer sister/brother lokked into my eyes to see if they were glassed over...............they said "Well you look normal".................

    I really saw then how mental they were not me..............Finally because of their persistence,i put a sticker up in the window saying No Visits from JWS.i also wrote to the PO saying i would phone the police.................No more visits for a while,then when 9/11 came JWS were out in force knocking on every door saying THIS IS IS THIS IS THE DAY..........

    In my town they are trying to recruit ex-members,don't know if this is the same elsewhere.

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