Another one of my lunatic ideas....

by logansrun 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    You know, I was thinking to myself the other day. "Self: why did you leave the JWs the way you did? Look! There are all sorts of marginalized young vixens who are hot and horny -- you should have stayed in, hung out along the periphery and engaged in all manner of licentiousness. Other young dubs do it all the time, why not you?!"

    Damn! Woulda, shoulda, coulda, right? Well, I can't exactly go back and do what I should have done in the first place. It would be too hard, just too complicated. So, I have a better idea.

    Become a Mormon!

    That's right, the 'ol Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (what a mouthful!). I could fit in real good. I already know what it's like to be in a cult and could fake it pretty well. And, remember : the point is to find out the young sex-crazed, lovin-depraved hot Mormon chicks! Come on, I KNOW they're out there! Instant social network filled with hotties with raging hormones. Fundamentalism breeds horniness, you know. What a plan! This is beautiful!

    And if I eventually get kicked out: big deal! I was just out to score, not gain salvation! Hahahaha....


  • Valis

    Bradley...either you can't get it normally, or you have way too much time on your hands...*LOL* Sheesh man...get 5 or 10 chicks interested in you and start your own religion...Perhaps the Church of Sexual Sanctuary...


    District Overbeer of the "Dirty Vicar" class

  • logansrun


    LOL...I've actually done decently in the shag department. Three for '03...(no, not just three "instances" mind you).

    I'm hoping to surpass Wilt Chamberlin, though. 'Got a long way to go...


  • SixofNine

    It is would be a very easy thing to do with the mormons Bradley. Your post does not understate the case in the least. If you truly believe they are better off for having gone Bradley and gone wordly, it's probably only a venal, as opposed to a mortal sin.

  • CountryGuy

    Do Mormons still do the polygamy thing? You could have several "experiences" going on at any given time. Go for it!

  • jgnat

    Oops! Excuse me. Passing through. You never saw me.

    #$%^& man-thread.

  • tink

    *cue the sesame street music*

    this and most other recent posts by bradley brought to you by the letters S, E, and X, and by the number 3.

    sunny days....

    you're so subtle, bradley, i can't possibly imagine what's been on your mind lately.

  • nilfun

    Which temple you choose to attend whilst you play out this charade will have a significant bearing on whether or not your lunatic idea proves successful. My suggestion: (Great Eastern Temple of Fundamentalist Uber-Chicks w Tigolebitties).


  • Abaddon

    I have thought the same thing... but found going to Uni' and using my teeth to remove the panties of girls who really want me to remove their panties with my teeth was probably more fun than playing the charade and pursuading girls that they wanted me to remove their panties with my teeth.

    Also the only Witness girl I slept with was crap in bed... it took six weeks for my toes to uncurl after I had proper sex for the first time...

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    I'm hoping to surpass Wilt Chamberlin, though. 'Got a long way to go...

    So quanity is the concern.

    What are you doing here? Get out there man, get busy. You'll never catch him online and cyber doesn't count.


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