I asked this several months ago so thought I would try again. Anyone on here from Missouri or maybe Arkansas, I have attended in Doniphan, Poplar Bluff MO and Corning ARK
I'll try again, Missouri???
by copsec 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh, I also attended DeSoto and Festus, MO
Big Tex was born in Springfield and lived the first few years of his life in Cassville, but his family weren't Witnesses then. I'm sure SOMEBODY on here is from Missouri . . . .
Well, I know Sheila is and CoonDawg and Banshee but was wondering if anyone else has joined since the last time I questioned. Also, does anyone know what all happened with Coon Dawgs daughter and the sexual abuse issue with the DeSoto congregation??
Just before the ice age I visited, worked in and preached in that area. I lived in north St Louis area. I have a picture of myself jumping off the cliffs at Johnsons' Shut-ins down that way. Spent a week one summer Preachin the Good News to the locals in the Ozark mountains. Spent 4 days in the mud building of the Cape Gerado (spelling ?) KH. Still remember a few names of folks around there.
I would even like to find a family just south of the MO/Arkansas boarder. But have to talk by IM or email me [email protected]
hope to here from you , copsec
edited to add, Hey Nina, So Chris was from Springfield. Now I understand everything.
E-mail heading your way!
I lived in Liberty/KC for about five years, but never attended any Kingdom Halls there. Some of the nicest people in the world live in Missouri!
Good luck on your quest!
Yeah, Steve, it's that ol' Missouri-mule-show-me thang! I get my stubborness from my Greek half, and when the two of us lock horns on a subject (which mercifully isn't often), it's intense. He says I'm the second most stubborn person he knows.
Thank you growedup! I lived in Concord, CA. when I was very. very young. My brother is still in California as are a niece, 2 nephews and one fanatical JW ex sister-in-law!
check you personal messages and you email,