Does Anyone Know The "Real" Attitude That JWs Have Towards "Inactive Ones"?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • EdenOne

    According to the WT, as per Ezekiel 33:6, those who become inactive in the ministry shall perish at Armageddon, because they will be bloodguilty for the death of the wicked whom they failed to warn.

    The inactive are de facto considered bad examples, cowards, materialistic-minded people, worldly , weaklings, a 'bad company that spoils useful habits' for the other publishers in the congregation. Last year's RC lambasted the inactive and suggested that the publishers should avoid close association with them, even if they are family members.

    Especially those who are perceived as critics of the Organization and the GB will be treated with nearly as much avoidance and contempt as a disfellowshipped / disassociated person.

  • krismalone

    Inactive ones are treated with suspicion and don't expect to be invited to social gatherings. Not that any inactive one would like to be in the midst of mindless robots.

    IT'S best for inactive ones to keep their mouths shut as to what they know about the history and scandals of the WT. Just respond with kindness when the elders call and let them know you're going through situations that require you to work extra or spend time with caring for the family.

    Basically inactive ones are in "PURGATORY"'re not a wicked apostate but you aren't a brown nosing, die hard worshiper of the Governing Body.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Last year's RC lambasted the inactive and suggested that the publishers should avoid close association with them, even if they are family members. -- EdenOne

    Inactive ones are treated with suspicion and don't expect to be invited to social gatherings. Not that any inactive one would like to be in the midst of mindless robots. -- krismalone

    Since it's official, I see everything much more clearly now.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Does the rank and file or the elders view us as disassociated or disfellowshipped or simply "weak" or possibly a "prodigal son" type? - I think you've got all the bases covered there, Min.

    The last two times I encountered JWs from my old congregation was in the summer of 2012.

    I bumped into a JW friend from my old congregation in my local town centre. He was nice and we had a quick chat. Then, he came out with

    "the end is sooo close, have you thought about coming back to the meetings", etc.

    I kinda ummed and ahed. He knew I was going 200 miles away to uni that September, so he said something like:

    "you might not have time to go to uni for three years and then come back to the meetings afterwards!"

    I didn't go all apostate on his ass, like Danny Hazard or something. I just calmly reasoned with him that the message has always been "the end is so close" but nobody knows the exact date of Armageddon. So then I reasoned that's impossible to know when it will happen - it could come tomorrow, it could come in decades' time. He didn't really know what to say to that and we said goodbye.

    At roughly the same time of that year (2012), I was in the same town centre again and I saw a local sister walking towards me. I went to greet her but she completely blanked me, saying nothing, not even looking at me.

  • NewYork44M
    The view of the inactive is forgotten. I don't think it takes long to be fully forgotten by the r&f.
  • pale.emperor

    @ pale.emperor...

    Seriously? He actually said that?

    Yep. And the worst part is, he and another elder went on a shepherding call to "encourage him" only the very next day.

  • konceptual99

    It really depends.

    Some people will basically shun anyone who they perceive of as being weak. Others will always at least be friendly.

    Some will moderate their behaviour towards you based on what they think or know you to be doing in your life. If you are keeping very quiet, not doing things that might get you DFed then they might treat you better than if the opposite is true.

    If they are family or former close friends then they may behave differently to others.

    I think the worst is becoming known as someone with a gripe. That really does get you marked out to be avoided and, of course, you don't actually have to be moaning about anything at all. Simply asking a question or raised a point of criticism can be enough. They simply cannot cope with someone even very quietly simply saying "I don't accept this as a The Truth any more". It has to become something based around bitterness and complaint.

    Illness or work dragging you away is OK but logical thought is not.

  • tiki

    Out of sight out of mind in my case....I don't think they even know who I am problem there....

  • BluesBrother

    Judging by what I read on here , I think the attitude varies enormously . The Summer Convention last year told them to shun inactive IF they were living in a way that could have got them d/f'd..

    I am inactive but am often at the hall to help my wife . They treat me well. This cong are friendly and we get on ok. Elders leave me alone , like I am part of the furniture.

  • Vidiot

    pale.emperor - "...the worst part is, he and another elder went on a shepherding call to 'encourage' him only the very next day."

    Pssh... way to get into the shepherding mindset.

    What'd he do, tell the guy that if he didn't start pulling his weight, he'd be "useless"? Or did he actually make an effort to fake the concern?


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