‘We don’t believe it’s an impossible choice. A person can stop associating with Jehovah’s Witnesses, have nothing to do with Jehovah’s Witnesses, without taking the step of disassociation.’
Yes, they will just dis-fellowship you and save you the effort of having to decide for yourself...
But seriously though, look at the above statement: The term "A person" is used instead of brother or sister. This clearly shows that the speaker is not referring to a baptised person. Therefore the above statement is true.
How many people, not familiar with JWspeak, would misunderstand the above statement? Most, if not all, I would say.
These clever spins are good for 2 reasons:
1 - It deceives those not in the organisation or not familiar with the organisation. It creates an official denial of certain accusations levelled at it.
2 - 'Appostates' who misunderstand what the statement actually says and apply it to something else give the faithful ammunition with which to attack their attackers. In this instance it appears that people think this statement contradicts the 'Borgs' actions regarding dis-fellowshipping of baptised members.