Imagine if all the governing body resigned and a new set of brothers came in and said we are very very sorry for all those who have been disfellowshipped and disassociated over the years
we know many mistakes have been made
we are really genuinely sorry to all those who have been hurt and especially those who have died and been hurt by these mistakes.
We now want all those still alive to come back. We want you to accept our sincere apologies
And we are very very sorry about the misunderstanding and misleading of Bible doctrine
We were wrong about so many things
We now have to see we cannot be dogmatic and we just don’t know
This will be a shock to many
And we want you to realise that from now on JW’s will be completely different
We will leave it up to you what you decide
If anyone wants to have celebrations, it’s up to them is the conscience is what matters
If anyone interprets scripture differently to us, then we will not be dogmatic, we just don’t know
From now on meetings will be more of a social occasion. We will discuss with an open mind different Scriptures
Please come back all those who have left, you will find a more gentle, more hospitable, loving and kind place
Once again, we are so sorry for the mistakes have been made and the misinterpretation of Bible prophecy
Once again, we shouldn’t have been dogmatic we just don’t know and we never did. Please accept our apologies